Restoring Balance with Viruses

by | Cycles of Nature, Mindset | 0 comments

I feel I need to offer a different perspective, one of more balance. I see too much ignorance, fear and disrespect for Life these days.

For a clear presentation of this perspective, I defer to Penelope Smith, the grandmother of interspecies communication. She has communicated with animals all her life.

We all had the ability to communicate telepathically when we were young, but it was usually lost. Nevertheless, where there is love for animals and willingness to re-learn, that ability can be revived. The rewards are mutual, and Penelope can guide you.

In the past year, Penelope has communicated with more than dogs and cats; she has also honed in on interspecies communication with viruses. She has posted some important blogs about viruses which bring a perspective that emphasizes the interrelationship of life.

Below are some excerpts. Click through to her website to read whole articles. It is worth it.

Viruses Reveal Their True Mission

Are Viruses Sentient Beings?

I learned from viruses that they are part of the Earth’s recycling crew and evolutionary movers and shakers. 

This certainly is a more universal outlook than seeing viruses as enemies. In connecting with them, I felt viruses are just as full of dedication to their purpose in the circle of life as other species. They’re fulfilling their function with love and devotion. 

They showed me on an individual level that if we don’t resist viruses and just go into our own healing process with rest and surrender, then they can do their work and we can become more healthy.
How do we support viruses’ work? They said, By love, by rest, by loving yourself, by drinking pure water and all those things that support your health. By doing that, you also support us because then we can leave and mutate to our next level of being.

Everyone has a place in the web of life.
All contain the wisdom of Spirit. May we continue to communicate with and learn from each other, no matter the shape or size of our earthly containers and enjoy the adventure of experiencing many different aspects of life on Earth. Read more . . .


The World Needs Viruses to Function

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are reading a lot about what is happening re the virus. I found this article, “Why the World Needs Viruses to Function,” very enlightening.

It also struck me how these viewpoints coming from scientific research matched what viruses communicated to me, especially their role in creating balance, recycling, maintaining the health of organisms, and the evolution of species.

“If all viruses suddenly disappeared, the world would be a wonderful place for about a day and a half, and then we’d all die – that’s the bottom line,” says Tony Goldberg, an epidemiologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “All the essential things they do in the world far outweigh the bad things.”

The vast majority of viruses are not pathogenic to humans, and many play integral roles in propping up ecosystems. Others maintain the health of individual organisms – everything from fungi and plants to insects and humans. “We live in a balance, in a perfect equilibrium”, and viruses are a part of that, says Susana Lopez Charretón, a virologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

By culling microbes, viruses ensure that oxygen-producing plankton have enough nutrients to undertake high rates of photosynthesis, ultimately sustaining much of life on Earth. “If we don’t have death, then we have no life, because life is completely dependent on recycling of materials,” Suttle says. “Viruses are so important in terms of recycling.” Read more . . .

SARS-CoV-2 Virus Question

It seems possible, if not probable, that this virus form was created in a lab as part of “gain of function” research. If so, what can the viruses share about our human intervention in their own natural mutation process. How do they view our genetic lab work?  Dave Carman

Human laboratory rearrangements of viral structure are less important than and superseded by our own rearrangements (mutations) and cannot alter our primary purpose. Our own creative force regarding our nature is senior to and overrides human genetic experimenting. In many ways, humans, both laboratory technicians and the wider population, are often expeditors of our functioning though they may not be conscious of this and have their own intentions.

We carry on to do our work of balancing no matter how many intermediaries we go through. We are one aspect of rebalancing populations and restoring ecological systems on Earth. Read more . . .

Reflect . . . and Comment

How have viruses restored balance in your body in the past? 
Knowing what you do now from reading this, how will you respond the next time you are “coming down with something?”
Please comment below.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

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Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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