What Makes You Come Alive?

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Honey, are you sure you want to do this?” My mom’s eyebrows furrowed together, worried.

I WAS SURE . . . THEN . . . (Sigh)

As the miles passed under the bus, all alone on the dusty vinyl seat, the reality of the situation sank in.

Chest pounding. Thoughts racing: 

  • This is waaaaaay far from home  . . .  on my own at 21?
  • Will I make friends? . . . I’m kind of a loner.
  • Will I have to share a bedroom with strangers? . . . awkward.
  • Will there be familiar food . . . or will they serve strange seeds and sprouts?

And AriD—zona? . . . a friend’s voice echoes in my ear “Don’t expect sand dunes.” . . . Whatever WAS there was unfamiliar . . .

The trembling inside was a mix of fear and the excitement of being alive.

Theologian and philosopher Howard Thurman once said:
“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. 
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Honestly . . . After earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, I thought I knew what made me come alive.

Then, I was asked by the parent of a prospective student in the BFA program, “How do you make money after you graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts?”

He obviously didn’t see what the program was about . . . I was trained to be an “artist.”  That’s the point!

But, the next morning, his question haunted me. 

 I SHOULD know – I did everything right! I got excellent grades in high school, earned a college scholarship, put up a senior art show complete with printed invitations and a catered reception, and now . . .

I was clueless.  

“What WILL I do for money? How WILL I make it in the world?” 

  • I can’t just work at the fabric store forever and do artwork on the side.
  • I could always teach . . . Me? . . . A classroom full of kids?. . . UH UHA
  • How about an MFA? More debt?
  • Besides, artists should use their art to make great statements. Do I even have a statement to make??????
  • Funny, I did not think of ANY of this before!

I knew what I did not want . . . but what DID I want?

After 4 years being creative in college, I could hear my teachers advise me:
“Get creative with your LIFE! 
Let your imagination run wild.” 

When I did, an image from a Utopias class popped in my head – it was of a visionary futuristic city under construction in the Arizona desert:

  • “I want to be an artist in this Utopia, Arcosanti:
  • inside the city . . . lively social interactions      
  • outside the city . . . wild Nature desert landscape.
  • without cars, walking from place to place
  • like a college campus . . . a place of learning, innovation, and high ideals.”


Working there, living there  . . .  all guided by a vision. . . “THAT is perfect for me now!”

When a workshop brochure for that visionary city, Arcosanti, landed in my mailbox I thought, “I have nothing to lose.” I registered and paid my money.

The anticipation of achieving my artistic potential in that visionary city made me feel ALIVE!

                       . . . and THAT’s what got me on the bus!

Bit by bit, year after year, I was living the dream incrementally:

  • going out my front door to hike in the desert,
  • walking to my job, greeting people,
  • cooking for my friends, eating together,  
  • designing tiles and furnishings
  • discussing visionary ideals in front of a fireplace . . .

Until 16 years later, at Arcosanti:

In the outdoor art studio, I sat deciding which shape to carve to express the essence of the sculpture,

Yes! One of a series of sculptures . . .

Fully alive, tingling, in amazement, I realized: 

  • “I AM a productive artist!”
  • “I AM expressing my soul!”
  • “I AM living my vision!”

Wow! Am I really fully ALIVE!!!!!

How about you?

Do you know what makes you come alive? 


  • What makes your soul sing?
  • What makes your cells tingle?

Let go of what you know . . . and let your imagination run wild!

Like the dream was in me . . . It already is in YOU,

Once you have clarity, ignite your dream to move beyond your fears

. . . then GET ON YOUR BUS!!!

Your vision will KEEP you on your bus, like it did for me.  

. . . even if it takes miles and years.


  • This is YOUR life.
  • Your ONE chance
  • Do it YOUR way

May you may live YOUR vision:
The world needs YOU fully alive!



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ