Key to Aging Gracefully

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What is going on with aging? Why does our skin wrinkle and sag? Why do we slow down and tend to experience more aches and pain?

If we eat right and clean, we have the building blocks to build healthy cells. When our attitude is bright, we circumvent the damage that comes with stress. Yet the body can still decline. Why is there this slow decay?

Studies show that there are signaling molecules in every cell and act as either cellular messengers or cellular activators. We are born with a certain amount, and lose 1% every year after puberty. That adds up over the years. In addition, environmental toxins take their toll on these signaling molecules, and you know we can’t get away from toxins even when we live as clean as we can. 

These signaling molecules are called redox molecules because they are both negatively charged reductants and positively charged oxidants. You may be familiar with oxidation in the form of rust on iron metal or the tarnishing of silver. 

Signaling molecules help produce energy in our cells. Just like electrons are energy moving from one pole of a battery back to the other of opposite charge through a device to power it, the energy in our bodies is powered by redox reactions. 

The redox signaling molecules function to detect cells that need help, protect them if they can, repair them if they can, and replace the cells if they can’t. This is fundamental to understanding what we go through when we age.

What if we could reverse this decline by replenishing these cell signaling molecules in order to improve quality of life as well as extend it? It would like topping off the gas tank in a car that only had so much gas to last a lifetime.

Chronic inflammation is part of aging, like we are rusting inside. Does that mean we need to take an anti-inflammatory herb like turmeric in large quantities every day? What if we could provide antioxidant activity to stop the inflammation with these redox molecules? What else could they do? 

Because redox signaling molecules are found in every cell, we have found them working in all body systems. They work to protect oxidation of LDL, damage to DNA, keep positive gene signaling turned on, support the immune system, and help with balanced hormone production. All of this supports graceful aging. What happens when we replenish these redox cell signaling molecules?

In fact, a randomized, placebo-controlled study – the gold standard in medicine – with people whose mean age was 35 – these were not even old people – had some startling results. In eight weeks, people had a 20 – 31% increase in positive gene expression from DNA. It involved five genes that are part of pathway signaling, including pathways that regulate the body. That is dramatic: do you want to do the same? 

How do we top off our tanks so that we can age gracefully? A product made from salt (sodium chloride) water (hydrogen and oxygen) can replenish these cell signaling molecules, since these molecules are made from just those atoms.

Thousands of people have personal stories demonstrating all the different ways the body can heal when the numbers of redox cell signaling molecules are boosted. There are many stories about recovery from issues with skin, sleep, hormones, mood, anxiety, brain fog, energy levels, muscles weakness, digestion, and heart to just name a few.

One of my favorites is the 84-year-old’s face transformation after just 7 weeks of applying this kind of molecules to her skin. You see her face right there at the top of the blog.

You can take the product during the day to top off your tank for energy, and at night to help with repair and regeneration of cells. Remember, you need quality building materials such as in healthy food to build cells. However, it takes knowledgeable workers to use those quality materials how they were meant to be used so that cells function optimally. It takes inspectors to make sure it is being done to your healthy blueprint. 

Redox cell signaling molecules just may be the key to aging gracefully.

Contact Dr. Cheryl to find out if these redox cell signaling molecules might be part of your journey of healing and graceful aging.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ