Got your jab?

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Make no mistake, I am always seeking the best for you in your healing process and happiness in life.

I do have detailed successful health-building and health restoring strategies through my professional training and decades-long experience. Because of that, it is evident to me that individualizing optimized lifestyle is the best for preventing illness, instead of using a foreign substance to trick the body.

In addition, I have seen that with Natural Medicine, I can easily treat illness that is associated with a virus. I have helped patients prevent and recover from seasonal illnesses easily and quickly, and even helped those who before they came to me had lingering effects to be restored to more energy and health.

The 2020 pandemic exposed the importance of having baseline good health, as those with diabetes, heart disease, and especially the very elderly sick were the ones dying from the viral infection.

As I have been taught and seen borne out in my Naturopathic practice, the “terrain” or ability to function related to toxic load is the supreme indicator or how you will respond to a viral exposure and for health in general. Therefore, my primary focus is on improving the terrain with natural medicine, including homeopathy.

That said, I know that each person has a unique history and perspective, and their health choices are their own.

I honor that completely.

I do offer a perspective not generally available in the mainstream, even among “alternative” practitioners. I can help a person wherever they are at in their health – within reasonable limits (I do not raise the dead.)

I do not judge a person for the choices they have made. We all have to live with the consequences of our choices, that’s all.

One thing you may not know is that homeopathy has a long history of being able to help with the ill effects of vaccinations.

There is an intended reaction from the vaccine, and homeopathy does not stop that. However, the body can react to the adjuvant constituents of the shot as well as have long-term consequences of the active ingredients, and that is what homeopathy can help with.

For those of you who are my patients, please call me if you have had any of the vaccinations, and would like further Natural strategies. I can get you set up with a program to help deal with longer term consequences. The sooner the better.

For those of you who are not my patients, download my app and request access from me to the e-course “Question the Narrative” where I have included a resource of how to use homeopathy after vaccination to fend off the ill effects.

I care deeply about your health and have resources to help for a wide variety of health choices.

Please reach out to me if you would like these kind of resources as part of your health choices.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ