Healing Mastery Summit

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I was invited to be a speaker at this summit. In it, experts in the field of Holistic Living and Spiritual Development shared with you their special healing insights.

My topic was Going Beyond Modern Medicine: Using Nature for Healing.

This was held Tuesday, September 30, 2021

Here was some of what I talked about:

The #1 Struggle

I see patients with lack of energy and unhappiness exacerbated by their lifestyle choices.

I observe this fatigue and anxiety is based on fighting against or trying to escape “what is.” Instead of accepting what life has handed them, they want life to be different if only the past was different and may resent what has happened to them.

In addition, many patients look outside themselves for fulfillment. They think the next raise at work, or the new house, or if only Mom would accept me, gives them fulfillment. The reality is that even if they achieve those things, the fulfillment is fleeting.

Fighting against what is in their lives right now wastes energy. It is futile. It does not bring happiness. It does not bring fulfillment.

The Secret for Helping

What is overlooked in people who want to do it “naturally” is that they need to go beyond taking a pill for each ill, even it if is an herb.

They need to go beyond escaping into stimulation or numbness with digital distractions or extremes of living.

Being present now is the secret to find Nature’s healing.
It is right here within. We can observe it when we get quiet.
That is Nature’s way to health and happiness.

Using Nature for healing does not mean simply choosing natural herbs and supplements. It is also understanding the way these natural substances work, following Nature’s way of working.

Observe the processes of Nature:
Nature moves in cycles.
Challenges lead to growth.
Nature functions in collaboration.
Nature is reflective of our inner and outer nature.

Therefore, by observing Nature, we can emulate her processes.

One example of Nature’s Cycles is our need to adapt eating, activity, and everything with seasonal changes. You may want a warm, hearty soup in the winter and cooling cucumber water in the summer. You may want to curl up with a book in the winter and go swimming in the summer.

We can accept challenges such climbing a mountain or bracing against the wind, and we build a stronger body. In the same way we can accept mental or emotional challenges to make us more resilient.

All of Nature is a collaboration. For example, in our bodies, there are more microbes than human cells. When we support everything working together, we don’t try to stop a natural process.

A fever is a natural process of healing, so don’t try to stop it with aspirin or Tylenol. An infection tells us we have over-the-top imbalances, so we can work with the natural process with instead of trying to kill off bugs with antibiotics.

Also, the processes we observe in Nature, we can observe in ourselves. We can see this on multiple levels. For example, stormy weather is like an agitated mind. A sunny day can make us feel exuberant, especially if we were feeling fine to begin with.

Nature with a capital “N” is that beneficial force for creativity, growth and fulfillment for everyone.

When we look at our environment as a dumb clockwork cause and effect world, we miss the intelligence and love which enlivens it. This intelligence of Nature is contained within it and is seen in and beyond the physical manifestation.

My story

When I was a new doc, I had a tendency to feel I did not know enough to be totally competent. Therefore, I read books and blogs and studies a lot to try to know enough.

Then, when I learned to go within, and get stable at resting inward and being vibrantly present to this moment, then I found out that what I need comes to me in that moment.

My best patient consults were when I sat quietly and listened to their story and their symptoms. Often, they told me in their own words what was going on, and what they were willing to do to change it. As I listened, it became clear what I needed to recommend.

In addition, my mind which told me I was not enough would settle down when I watched what it was saying. Then I could shift my focus back to this present moment. I ceased any struggle with “what is” and allowed peace.

I could be at peace and find joy and fulfillment in the moments of my life.

If this sounds like the way you wish to heal, contact me at 928-649-9234 to chat about how I might help you.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ