Kids’ Immunity

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Children’s Health Defense launched a new eBook to help parents evaluate the risks and benefits of C*VID vaccines without having to rely solely on information disseminated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Food and Drug Administration and mainstream media.

I highly recommend getting and reading this ebook: Sign up now to get it.

I applaud their effort in compiling this easy-to-read comprehensive ebook. Just so you know it is not “m*sinformation,” it is extensively referenced.

A quick synopsis of the information follows in the “Executive Summary” from the Ebook. Note that I have substituted symbols for letters in an effort to avoid flagging of this information.

Executive Summary

➧ The vast majority of children who experience C*VID illness have mild symptoms and uneventful outcomes. The estimated survival rate for children under age 17 is 99.998%.
➧ Effective C*VID treatments for kids are available, including inexpensive therapies like vitamins C and D, zinc, iverm*ctin and hydroxychloroqu*ne.
➧ It is crucial for parents to understand children’s very low SARS*-Co*V-2 risk when they evaluate the risks of C*VID-19 vaccines not subjected to long-term safety studies. In the Pfizer clinical trial with 12–15-year-olds, harms outweighed potential benefits.
➧ The mRNA vaccine clinical trials showed less than a 1% decrease in the absolute risk of getting C*VID, also showing that between 88 and 142 kids would need to be vaccinated to theoretically prevent one case of C*VID.
➧ Health officials are ignoring many measures to strengthen children’s innate immune system—the non-specific immunity that makes kids able to cope with a wide variety of health challenges.
➧ The fallout from lockdowns and other restrictive measures has taken a far greater toll on children’s physical and mental health than C*VID. Negative impacts include increased reliance on processed foods, decreased exercise and time outdoors, loss of interactive play, social isolation, overuse of carcinogenic sanitizers, developmentally inappropriate online education, increased mental health problems (including an uptick in young suicides) and social and emotional stunting from mask-wearing.
➧ Vaccine makers’ assumption that cells will make just enough spike protein for vaccine recipients to develop adequate antibodies but not enough to cause harm is not borne out by the evidence. The synthetic spike proteins triggered into production by C*VID vaccines may “prime the immune system toward development of both autoinflammatory and autoimmune disease,” both in the short- and long-term.
➧ Rat studies show that the lipid nanoparticles in the m*RNA injections penetrate the blood-brain barrier within 15 minutes; vaccine spike protein circulates in blood for at least two weeks, accumulating in the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenals and ovaries.
➧ Experts have grave concerns about potential fertility problems that might not be evident for years. Already, a CDC study showed that 82% of pregnant women who received C*VID injections in the first or second trimesters experienced miscarriages.
➧ Healthy adolescents receiving C*VID vaccines have experienced blood clots, uncontrolled bleeding, paralysis, abnormal menses, extreme fatigue and death. Outcomes such as myocarditis are changing the trajectory of some young people’s lives.
➧ It is unethical for companies and officials to ask children and adolescents to incur health risks to “protect the elderly and infirm,” especially with unknown long-term risks. Even a small risk is not worth taking if the potential consequences include serious or fatal short-term outcomes or life-long health and financial consequences.
➧ Children and adolescents, with vanishingly small risks of death or disability from C*VID-19, should be allowed to go to school, socialize with peers, play in the dirt and contribute to herd immunity through natural infection. Childhood exposure to cor*naviruses is likely to induce strong and long-lasting immunity that, in turn, is likely to protect children from serious problems from C*VID-19.

Get all the information in this free ebook. Then you can weigh risks and benefits.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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