What is the best lymphatic massage?

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What is lymphatic massage?

Gentle lymphatic drainage techniques help reduce swelling and improve circulation. When the body’s lymph drainage is inadequate, fluid accumulates and swelling called edema results. There are many causes and swelling could be localized or throughout the whole body.

Why does the body swell?

Short-lived swelling, or edema, can be from trauma, (like a sprained ankle), surgery, inflammation (could be from an infection), or overuse (like tendinitis).

When any of these conditions do not heal satisfactorily, chronic edema results.

Whole-body, or generalized edema is usually due to chronic heart, kidney, or liver problems.

A specific diagnosis called lymphedema is the permanent overload of the lymphatics resulting in swelling that does not resolve. It is due to incompetence of the lymphatic system either from birth or it is acquired. In the US, the most common cause is from cancer surgery.

What is the lymphatic system?

It is a part of the circulatory system and is essential for optimum fluid circulation. Arteries carry blood out from the heart and veins bring it back. In between at the tissue level, fluid leaving capillaries becomes lymph. It washes around cells for detoxification then needs to return to circulation. The lymphatic system returns this fluid back to the heart.

The lymphatic system is also a fundamental part of the immune system. Besides lymph vessels, it includes lymph nodes and lymph organs like the tonsils, thymus, spleen and appendix.

Why would I want a lymphatic massage?

The obvious reason for lymphatic massage is acute swelling from an injury. As already mentioned, swelling could also be from surgery, overuse, or other inflammation like infection.

Why not just ice an injury? A review of medical literature shows that while applying ice to an injury may help initially, it hinders healing in the long run. Therefore, treatments like homeopathic arnica and lymphatic massage can help initially and help heal completely for best results.

Since the lymphatic system is part of the immune system, lymphatic massage is appropriate for anything activating or affecting the immune system. Lymphatic massage can help healing a sore throat, sinus congestion, or other infections or inflammation.

Medically, lymphatic drainage massage is prescribed for people who have lymphedema to help manage their symptoms.

For the rest of us, it is interesting to note that you can have a 10% increase in edema without obvious outward signs. However, stiff joints, decreased range of motion, and decreased sensation can tip us off to hidden edema.

Where can I get lymphatic massage?

A technique termed Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is done by qualified therapists. Other massage therapists may also do lymphatic massage.

That said, after studying lymphatic applications, I can say that Bowen Bodywork is inherently designed to optimize lymphatic flow while it also releases muscles, facia and joints. And I would definitely put it in the category of lymphatic massage after seeing specific results with patients.

In addition, simple lymphatic drainage is a technique you can be taught to do for yourself at home.

Why choose Bowen Bodywork for lymphatic massage?

Bowen Bodywork naturally speaks the language of lymph: slow and gentle. The sequence of moves naturally open up lymphatic flow and specific moves can be done to reduce areas of swelling. With the understanding of the lymphatic paradigm, a treatment can be designed to resolve swelling following the body’s innate wisdom. No forcing and therefore no pushback is involved by accompanying your own healing process.

With the initial moves on the low back, you start to feel safe as your defenses drop, allowing healing in the parasympathetic state. According to Polyvagal theory, working the superficial layers allows the body to continue to relax. And you feel just that when you are getting a treatment.

Since Bowen bodywork also affects the facia, a body-wide signaling network, the whole body benefits. The pressure and vibration from each Bowen move impacts cells, all the way down to DNA gene expression.

In addition, since fascia can dictate your alignment, releasing it and allowing it to reform unrestricted can improve posture. And that release and resulting ease of alignment decreases and resolves pain.

Bowen bodywork may look simple, but by honoring the body’s wisdom, the effects are wide-ranging. While getting the effects of a lymphatic massage, the nervous system, muscles, fascia, and any part of the body asking for healing also benefits.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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