Why get this treatment?

Inflammation seen as areas of red in the abdomen before treatment

Red spots of inflammation gone after 5 biomagnetic treatments.
- It allows many different acute and chronic conditions to reverse because it treats underlying infection.
- It relieves soreness, pain and swelling by reducing inflammation which is associated with most illness and injury.
- It leaves you with fewer bothersome symptoms and more energy because it can restore the function of tissues, leading to the rehabilitation of organ function.
- It prevents the development of illness from low grade infection, such as cancer from a HPV infection.
- It prevents a host of illnesses before they even manifest by quenching inflammation.
- It can lighten your mood by clearing emotional patterns, preventing the diseases for whom these are a root cause.
- And many more reasons, which you can discover after your experience of this treatments which is gaining popularity.
What are the features and benefits of Medical Biomagnetism?
- non-invasive
- effective
- preventative
- addresses a wide array of illnesses
- gets to the cause
- used by over 30,000 practitioners, including medical doctors, around the world
- practiced for over 30 years
You may never have heard of Medical Biomagnetism – or Biomagnetic Pair Therapy because it has been developed primarily in the Spanish-speaking world. It is notable that it is spreading wildly there because of its success of treatment, and more and more patients are calling me about it.
Fortunately, it fits all the criteria of a therapy that is truly Naturopathic: it supports the vital force of the body to heal through re-establishing healthy functioning of tissues, in this case, by neutralizing the pH of a specific tissue with the application of magnetic fields.
What do patients have to say?
I got my energy back! It happened after the third treatment with magnets. I lost it after an ER visit six week prior for treatment for a lung problem and subsequent antibiotic treatment. My energy is now high enough that I am really getting things done! – RB
My unrelenting sciatic pain went away for a week after the first treatment, and stayed away after the fourth treatment. Nothing else was helping. – KS
The pain in my joints is relieved, at first for a few weeks, and now for quite a while. I have been treated for diabetes for decades, and my blood sugars are finally going down. – YV
How does it work?
Medical Biomagnetism sessions involve scanning a patient from head to foot energetically to identify organs or tissues that have imbalanced pH. The scanning is done with a specific method of applied kinesiology, sometimes called muscle testing. The imbalanced pH may be due to pathogens or other factors such as toxic accumulations.
Pairs of magnets of opposite charges are placed on locations identified by the scanning for treatment in order to restore tissue functioning to optimal.
How is it different from similar treatments?
Pairs of magnets of opposite charges are place on in the body on specifically researched locations. Other magnet therapies use just a single pole or mixed pole magnets and may not be as specific in application location.
These magnet pairs treat the causes, instead of simply trying to get rid of the symptoms.
The treatment is for a limited amount of time, which is related to the strength of the magnetic field on the earth at the location of the treatment. Continuous use of magnetic fields may produce an imbalance.
The magnets primarily target organs and body structures and not acupuncture points.
Medical biomagnetic treatment is different from radiation, electricity and heat because the medium-strength magnets used do not damage tissues by breaking the hydrogen bonds in molecules, which happens in these other therapies.
What can it treat?
Medical Biomagnetism treats conditions in which there is an alteration of pH in the tissues. Illness cannot develop in tissues with a balanced pH level.
A large number of illnesses, including cancer and other complex diseases are associated with fundamental alterations in the pH level in the internal organs. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, toxins, and other harmful factors may be present in tissues with altered pH.
What if I have vague symptoms or an unclear diagnosis?
Medical Biomagetism scanning is capable of detecting alterations in tissues before they manifest symptomatically. For that reason, you don’t have to have a medical diagnosis before receiving treatment.
For the same reason, this is a preventative therapy as well.
Are there contraindications?
Magnets are not used on a pregnant women because the fetus is too sensitive.
Caution is used with implanted pacemakers, so that magnets stay at least 6 inches away from pacemakers to preserve their batteries.
In addition, people undergoing chemotherapy may not have enough vital force to respond to a Medical Biomagetism treatment, so it is contraindicated.
Where did it come from?
Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran of Mexico City has taught it for 30 years.
It is likely that he learned it from Richard Broeringmeyer, a scientist from Kentucky and the Chief Medical Officer of NASA in the 1980’s, and further developed the work.
Dr. Broeringmeyer discovered the effects on astronauts exposed to changing magnetic fields of being in space and returning to earth. He worked meticulously to develop a theory, and worked out the first 150 biomagnetic pairs for treating the human body. You can read more details at biomagnetism.net.
Are there studies on this therapy?
One pilot study is easily available in medical literature. Only a brief “First Aid” approach to Biomagnetic Pair Therapy was used. This was done to evaluate its effectiveness and as a simplified approach that could be taught quickly to providers in a village setting. Practitioners provided one treatment to people who were clinically confirmed to be infected with typhoid fever.
This pilot study demonstrated that all patients reported symptomatic clinical improvement, and a significant majority (10/13) of participants had clearing of S. typhi when treated with Biomagnetic Pair Therapy.
They conclude:
It is quite possible that a more-comprehensive patient scanning and treatment of other potentially active biomagnetic pairs would lead to greater clinical benefits. Further large-scale studies on the use of BPT for typhoid fever and other illnesses are warranted.
In addition, Dr. Goiz undertook a study in Malaga with over 200 people which you can read about here. The results of that study will not be accepted by medical literature, but it satisfied the participants that the microbes which Dr. Goiz scanned in the patient were present in blood samples. More importantly, those microbes were gone by the end of the treatment.
How can I get a Medical Biomagnetism treatment?
Call Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf at 928-649-9234. She can answer further questions and arrange an appointment.