Looking to allay your fears with real answers for what you can do right now for your health?

Do you suspect that there is more than the CDC and Dr. Google can tell you?

Do you wish to arrive at the other side of this global pandemic with greater vitality, energy and clarity?

Total Health Connection
is designed to do precisely that for you!

Whether you are an educated health consumer with a natural bent or just want to find out what really works, I would love to support you by showing you how to naturally restore and maintain your health.

Responding to the latest in what is happening, you can learn then implement simple ways to maintain vitality, energy and clarity.

You can be empowered to put in place the strategies, home remedies, and natural medicines which I offer to my patients, now in an affordable way to have access to me. 




Imagine being able to ask any health question and get answers based in science and traditional medicine so can know just what to do to maintain your health and respond to changes appropriately. Because the situation changes weekly, and even daily, ongoing support is crucial.

If you know that there is more than mainstream media is telling you . . . about how to  your health . . . then my “Total Health Connection” could be for you.

If you were to get this information from me personally, it would cost you over a thousand dollars a month for my time. Because you have access to me as part of a group, I can provide you information as well as answer your questions at a fraction of the cost.


Monthly access includes updates each week with

  • interaction in live Q & A sessions on zoom on Tuesdays at 5 pm AZ time
  • recordings of these sessions for further review
  • short videos guiding you to what is most important
  • full written instructions
  • access to the e-course delivered on Dr. Cheryl’s smartphone app “How to prevent and ward off a cold or flu”

All delivered in the palm of your hand through Dr. Cheryl’s smartphone app: Total Health w/ Dr. Cheryl.

Together we can effectively get through this pandemic and come out on the other side with stronger health and community.

Inquire at drcheryl@drcherylkasdorf.com or call 928-649-9234 to see if this is right for you.