Beyond the edges of the Universe . . . Beyond all space and time . . .

And yet, here, now . . .

 Greeting the morning with meditation and Tai Chi . . .

The Bright Path Ishaya teachers, including me, and students of The Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension meditation met at the historic COD Ranch, near Oracle, AZ, north of Tucson for a meditation retreat March 11 – 18, 2012. Participants came from all over the world – Canada, New Zealand, Mexico, Spain, as well as plenty of people from all over the USA.

I was reunited with The Bright Path Ishaya teachers and students, met new Ishaya teachers and students, and was overall impressed with the dedication of the new students who committed to becoming new teachers.

Here a just a few of the people I met, and what they had to say. And, yes, it was me who taught Heather the first Ascension Attitude.

Coming from a serious illness and reading books about healing myself, I was praying for a spiritual practice that worked for me. There were many that I tried, but I could not stick with anything. Now I’m a “Lifer” with the Ishayas’ Ascension. It has totally changed my life.

Because I teach Chi Gong, I am sensitive to energies, and I recognize that feeling of stress leaving my body when using the Ascension Attitudes.

I am now more alert and clear and way more secure in who I am. I have an ease of living no matter how busy I am – I feel in the flow. This practice has brought me great peace.


I learned the first Attitude of The Ishayas’ Ascension while on vacation to Sedona, AZ because I didn’t want to wait. The experience of Ascending on the red rocks cannot be described in words. Sometimes the Silence was deafening. The sounds of the birds and nature were sweet, but did not distract me from the peace I experienced.

I went home to Ontario and finished the first class. Ascension helps me deal with the every day stress of my daughter’s addiction. I can listen to guidance from the Infinite. I can distinguish the guilt trips my daughter was manipulating me with and no longer buy into them. This has vastly improved my relationship with her and my granddaughter. The big thing is that it has shifted my perspective so that I let things go and they don’t bother me anymore.

I thank God every day for this gift of Ascension.


After learning the Ishayas’ Ascension, my blood pressure no longer skyrocketed at the doctor’s office when I was using the Attitudes.

I now appreciate my wife more. She is the kind of person who is always smiling and I never was like that.

However, after being on antidepressants, I was able to quit them and be happy and feel like myself again.

Traverse City,Michigan

This is the meditation I have been looking for my whole life!

I lost everything . . . 2 houses, all my money, an unhealthy relationship . . . and  I wake up happy every day. It was not easy – yet at the same time my Ascension practice deepened.

Ascension and other support supercharged me to where I am. I found myself again after a rocky period in my life.


These people are a small part of the people and magic I experienced the week I was on the retreat.

First of all, I experienced the deep rest of The Ishayas Ascension meditation as usual and was able to spend long hours with eyes closed doing it to further revitalize. Soaking in the hot tub chatting with new friends at night added to that as well.

The US Bright Path Ishaya teachers organized as a group, and we are ready to support each other in teaching. As well, we keep in touch with conference calls and Skype.

Many of the people I met provided inspiration, both in themselves and in the work they were doing. It ranged from magnetic healing, to conscious stones, to yoga postural alignment, to the next retreat in Ontario, Canada and one after that in New Zealand!

Join us by calling me to find out more or reading “Praise, Thanks, Love the Best Medicine” here . Lots more is on the website The Bright Path, including introductory talk and class listings. 

 Your peace is awaiting you . . . 

A story from Maharishi Krishnanada Ishaya:

The first time I met the Ishayas, what I loved the most was their commitment to heal humanity. “Great”, I thought, “let´s get on with it, let´s go and heal humanity.”

But the Ishayas replied: “No, we heal ourselves completely first, THEN, we heal humanity.” 

“No, forget about me, I want to help others.”

But the Ishayas had it right; one person healing himself fully impacts all consciousness, raises the desire of all humans to live their birthright.

There is no other way to really help humanity than completely healing ourselves first. It can look like the most selfish thing, but it´s indeed the most selfless thing.

A lot of you signed up for this, a long time ago, before coming to this life. It´s your birthright and your divine purpose. You either show up to play your part, or you don´t.”



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ