This was the title of a talk presented by James L. Oschman, PhD at the Bio-Energetic Medicine conference in Tempe, AZ this weekend (June 2 – 3). It was sponsored by the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association and I enthusiastically attended the whole conference.

The evidence is very compelling. It reinforces my conviction in what I am doing!

The energy crisis begins with the crisis in American health care. Dr. Oschman presented some facts:


  • American health care ranks worst among the developed nations by many measures, including infant mortality (WHO).
  • American health care is the most expensive in the world (Commonwealth Fund Report, 2007).
  • Chronic care is 70% of the cost of Western medicine.
  • The reasons: failure to prevent and treat chronic disease and failure to treat causes.

Furthermore, Natural Medicine:

  • Prevents acute issues from becoming chronic
  • Treats causes instead of symptoms
  • Replaces Side Effects  with Side Benefits 

The real cause of these diseases

Virtually all of the most deadly and costly diseases of our times have a common cause. This includes many conditions that have previously been termed “incurable.” 

Inflammation has turned out to be the “holy grail” of medicine.

Inflammation is caused by free radicals – also known as “reactive oxygen species.” Free radicals are molecules which have lost an electron and are desperately in search of one to complete themselves. In the search for an electron, they bounce around and rob electrons from other molecules, making them free radicals as well.

Inflammation is an energetic condition that is best approached with methods that are based on biophysics – the understanding of:

  • biological magnetism
  • biological electricity
  • the principle of resonance – that molecules do not have to touch to interact
  • photo-conduction – that light increases electrical conduction

Albert Szent-Györgyi was a brilliant researcher at The Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA 1947-1986 and the  Institute for Muscle Research, 1947-1972 as well as the  National Foundation for Cancer Research, 1973-1986. Listen to what he had to say:

Life is too rapid and subtle to be explained by slow moving chemical reactions and nerve impulses. 
The proteins are the stage upon which the drama of life unfolds. 
The actors can be none other than small and highly mobile units such as electrons and protons.
                                                                                   ~Albert Szent-Györgyi

Think about it. Adding an electron is the ultimate anti-oxidant, the solution for free radicals. 

Dr. Oschman wrote and published a paper “Can Electrons Act as Antioxidants?” Read it here.

Electrons to the Rescue

This is why biophysical technologies are often faster, safer and more successful than conventional treatments.
Inflammation is one of the keys. Inflammation is quenched with electons. Inflammation is prevented with direct flow of electrons from the earth and sky into our bodies.

Before modern times we walked and slept on the earth. Our bodies were naturally grounded.

During the last century we have disconnected ourselves from the earth by wearing insulating shoe soles made of rubber or plastic. 

“Grounded” or “Earthed” means that our bodies are connected to the surface of the earth and its abundant supply of electrons. This is a natural condition in which earth’s electrons spread over and into our bodies, stabilizing our internal electrical environment.

There is a continuous flow of electrons from the sun to the ionosphere and to the earth via lightening strikes, and thence into our bodies.

Dr. Oschman presents his research in a paper entitled “The Effects of Earthing (Grounding) on Human Physiology” You can read it in its entirety here. 

He concludes ” it appears that the changes are in the direction of normalization or balancing of the electrical parameters affecting physiological systems. Taken together, the changes in EEG, EMG, and BVP reported here suggest reductions in overall stress levels, tensions and autonomic balance in the organism upon earthing.”

That means it is good for you – and further research is warranted – because we may have underestimated the effects of grounding in previous electrophysical studies.

Dr. Oschman further writes in “Our place in nature: Reconnecting with the Earth for Better Sleep” the following:

Many people in the therapeutic community are concerned about the possible biologic effects of energy fields emitted by wiring, appliances, and cell phones. More and more people are suffering from electromagnetic sensitivity. 

There is much debate as to whether or not fields produced by our technologies have significant biologic effects. Until we have the final word from research, the government has recommended “prudent avoidance.”

Ghaly and Teplitz (pp.767-776) have shown that connecting with the earth during sleep normalizes cortisol rhythms and produces, on average, a 450-fold reduction in the electrification of the body by external fields. Both of these effects can reduce stress on the body during the one third of our lives that we spend sleeping or attempting to sleep.

To Stay Grounded

So, besides walking barefoot and sleeping on the ground, how can we get and stay grounded? I’m glad you asked.

I always sleep grounded with a simple device. It is called the Earthing sheet. You can shop for it and related products at

You can also use earthing devices around computers, in the car, on an airplane, and just about any time in the office and around the house. 

Dr. Oschman presented being grounded as a solution to the Energy Crisis in Modern Medicine. Being grounded means that you are bringing in electrons from the earth, which are the perfect anti-oxidant. It is our natural way of preventing inflammation. 

The question remains: are you having an energy crisis?

Natural medicine, with its emphasis on treating the causes is a start.

So is getting grounded, using our natural source of electrical energy. Check it out now.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ