The average person thinks 50,000 thoughts every day!

Most of these thoughts are rehashing the past or anticipating the future. They take us out of the present moment and have a negative impact on the body

Yet, there is a place inside we all know that is Silent and Still, in the present moment. It is our True Nature.

The Ishayas of The Bright Path offer meditation techniques to easily, effortlessly access the Stillness and live a stress-free life.

If you have ever tried to stop your thoughts, you undoubtedly experienced the meaning of the saying “Whatever you resist, persists.” It is futile.

Feelings of Intense Happiness and Well-Being

Yet, we all have had an unpredictable experience of pure happiness and well-being when in nature, making love, mothers giving birth, or “in the zone” in sports activity. This moment of extraordinary experience Abraham Maslow, the humanistic psychologist who focused on healthy psychological states, called the Peak Experience. 

“Peak experiences are sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being, possibly the awareness of an “ultimate truth” and the unity of all things … the experience fills the individual with wonder and awe . . . he feels at one with the world and is pleased with it ….” says Maslow.

Feelings of limitless horizons opening up to the vision,
the feeling of being simultaneously more powerful and also more helpless than one ever was before,
the feeling of ecstasy and wonder and awe,
the loss of placement in time and space with, finally,
the conviction that something extremely important and valuable had happened,
so that the subject was to some extent transformed and strengthened even in his daily life by such experiences.

Abraham Maslow

The only thing keeping us from experiencing this Peak Experience state all the time is the addiction to thoughts and attachment to the mind.

The Ishayas’ Ascension meditation techniques begin to detach you from the incessant chatter in the mind, the constant dialogue and commentary that you are very familiar with. Just by creating a space between you and the thoughts, you begin to observe them and need not identify with them. This in itself creates a sense of peace.

I just returned from a Retreat at the Mount Mary Retreat Center in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada with The Bright path Ishayas. What a glorious time of sharing and growing spiritually!


Mayama & Akshara
Mount Mary Retreat center
Do you see me in the front row on the right dressed in black?

Here is what some of the participants had to say about the effect of their ongoing Ishayas’ Ascension meditation practice on their lives.

The Ishayas’ Ascension practice has given me the ability to deal with troubles either big or small which gives keeps my stress levels low. I am able to stop incessant chatter, so life flows smoothly.                             
        – Margaret S
With my Ascension practice, I now have the ability to disconnect from the drama.
I have been able to be proactive instead of reactive.
And reactive I was.                          
        – Germaine P
The Ishayas’ Ascension helps me accept the past, and not feel guilty about what I did.
I now am able to listen to a conversation without my mind wandering. And I now have the patience to repeat and repeat when I talk to my mother who has Alzheimers.    
     -Joanne D
I do not know where I would be without this practice. My doctor clapped her hands with glee when I told her I was coming on a retreat to further my practice.
What I am like now compared to 1 1/2 years ago is exponential. 
     – Neala K

Would you like to join Margaret, Germaine, Joanne, and Neala in easily dealing with “troubles,” disconnecting from the drama, and exponentially rocketing your life to fulfillment?

Start with reading other posts, visiting The Bright Path Ishayas’ website. Then, subscribe to my newsletter to find out when is the next free introductory talk, and come on over to discover what we are all talking about.

Then, when the next class comes along, you will be prepared to sign on and see where it leads your life!

My Story

I have been practicing Naturopathic Medicine in Cottonwood, Arizona since 1999. An Ishaya teacher found me here, introduced herself, and told me about the meditation. Since I had experienced many forms of meditation before, I said, “How is this better than anything else?”

My question was answered when I experienced the techniques, I naturally want to do them every day and my life has become smoother.

I became a teacher in 2005 and teaching The Ishayas’ Ascension meditation is a powerful part of my Naturopathic practice.

Since most illness is rooted in stress, removing that stress and remembering Who We Are goes a long way to promote health and well-being. I am dedicated to destroying ignorance and showing an easy joyful better way!

This practice of the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation has changed my life more than going to Naturopathic medical school, more than anything else. I now experience underlying peace, joy is my constant theme, my Naturopathic practice is fulfilling, and no I longer limit what I think I can do or where I can go (traveling the world!)



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ