Natural Action Water Units

by | Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND, Water | 0 comments

Alive – Awake – Alert – Enthusiastic

Would you like some?
Once you experience the water you will never want to be without it.
Your body will feel incredibly energized.

Free taste samples at the office of Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf, ND –
Read my experience with finding the water units here.

These units are Dynamically Enhanced

Simply due to the shape of the forms over which the water flows, these units structure water. The water is changed on the molecular level – just as a diamond and coal are the same substance but they are different structurally. The structured water from these units is an active sacred geometric form. Drinking and bathing with this sacred water will potentially bring your whole being into alignment.

Structured water has the power to know what is good for life and what is not. As this water passes through your body it can only carry with it that which is good for life and as it passes through your cells it will assimilate within its self all that is detrimental to life (this includes free radicals).

The Dynamically Enhanced Units have a flow-form inside that is made from a combination of proprietary materials that dynamically enhance the energy of the unit and create a static energy that exists even before the water flowing through the unit is structured. Due to FDA rules we can only speak of the properties of the materials in these units, and not the materials themselves.

Nothing physical is being deposited or physically added to the water by the units. What happens is that the structured water is being dynamically and energetically enhanced by the energy in the added materials.​

See the water units here.

Please be aware that there are a few groups of people selling water structuring units on the internet and in person that are copy-cat, cheap, knockoff versions of these units, and do not include the proprietary technology or materials that are in the units manufactured by Natural Action Technologies. If you are not sure, you can call Natural Action Technologies at 928-567-6466 to verify the distributor.

Natural Action Water units structure water.

Structured water is:

  • wetter
  • softer
  • balanced pH
  • energized


  • the ultimate health food
  • fresh and invigorating
  • for drinking, washing, bathing
  • neutralizes the effects of pollutants
  • eliminates existing calcium deposits leaving dishes and cars spotless
  • prevents and removes corrosion increasing the life span of pipes, hot water heaters, swamp coolers, dishwashers, water heating systems, ice makers, etc
  • improves crop and garden growth (there are studies)
  • increases aerobic bacterial activity in septic and sewage systems
  • need less soap when washing
  • better tasting beverages
  • longer lasting cut flowers
  • healthier pets and livestock
  • cleaner and healthier fish tanks

Natural Action Water units create a lower surface tension, therefore water is absorbed effortlessly into all your cells!

See a study which shows the vitality of the water here.

The water and you, in turn, expand to your highest energy potential!

Appreciation for Natural Action Water


I’ve been meaning to let you know how great the Natural Action water is!

I have seen an amazing difference with my skin and hair and I have been drinking the local water which is now great!

It actually makes it taste better and does not give me gas!!! Anyway, thanks for suggesting it!

Nadia B
Arcosanti, AZ

Clayton Nolte


Clayton Nolte, researcher and inventor of water structuring technologies, spent the last 40 years exploring physics, math, and the properties of water and the effects it has on life.

He developed the design of these original models and hand-built them.

Now a molding technology does accurately produce the precision of these flow forms for structured water.

Units are maintenance-free!


  • chemicals
  • filters
  • salts
  • electricity
  • moving parts
  • replacement parts

The water itself is the machine, structuring itself as it tumbles across an array of precise geometries inside.

This is a one-time investment!



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ