What is Peace?
Is it possible to have it now?
What would it take?

People around the world have been exploring this forever.

The reality is that the amount of peace we see in the world is a direct reflection of the amount of peace we have inside of us. This may be a jarring concept for some and rejected outright by others. It is my experience that this is true.

You undoubtedly have heard the saying, “Be the change you want to see.” This is my core principle in bringing World Peace.

I can embody Peace by focusing on the Still Silence inside. At all times, in all places. Because that Silence at the core of who we are is in all places, all the time.

We tend to miss it because we are projecting our attention outward. 

From the beginning of our lives, we have known that Still Silence inside.

As we began adjusting to this world, learning how to be in our bodies and operate in this world, we started putting our attention on that which is outside ourselves. We were open to all influences – that just is how we are wired.

We learned how to eat, walk, talk, and relate to others. That is all useful information for survival. 

In addition, we were influenced in how to look at the world as well as look at who we are. For most of us, the awareness of this Still Silence inside moved to the background. Some people began to believe that it was far away, not accessible in everyday life. And that struggle, suffering, and conflict was just the way things are.

At one point in my life, it really came home to me that where I put my attention is my choice. I always have a choice, even when it seems like the circumstances surrounding me necessitates putting all my attention on the circumstances to work it out.

At the time, I was taken in by all the Y2K hype, wondering if I would need to stock up on food and supplies for survival. As New Year’s Eve turned into January 1st 2000, I was outside, and looked around to see if the lights were still on, if electricity was still intact. It was, and nothing much happened. 

Then I learned how to easily, at any moment, access the Still Silence.

I am eternally grateful that there is a way – using a simple reliable technique. It allowed me to move from the concept of Peace to the actual experience of it.

By having others around me who had a deep constant experience of the Still Silence, I could be validated that what I was experiencing was the Stillness and not a beautiful feeling coming out of it. 

But that was not the first time I experienced that Still Silent Peace.

By exploring the infinity of that, I was able to recognize the many times I had experienced it before but did not recognize it. I just thought it was a beautiful moment.

I had no idea I could live my life there instead of in worry, anticipation, regret and frustration that things were not what I wanted them to be.

The contrast is stunning.

Knowing the Still Silence which is Peace is so much a relief from how I previously experienced the world that I ask, “How can I desire anything else?” The more I focus on the Still Silence, the more I want to. And the experience of Peace spills over from an internal knowingness to the field on which all activity in the world takes place. 

All around the world, when people are asked what is their deepest desire, the majority inevitably say Peace, Love or Joy. Universally!

At our core, we are all for World Peace. All it takes is embodying it.

I can help.
I can teach you a simple reliable way to reach the Still Silence that has been waiting for you inside.
As I have been validated that what I am experiencing is the stillest part of the Stillness, I can guide you to exploring that place inside and discerning the real Peace.

And we can discover what Peace looks like in the wide World.

The Voice of God is silence

Just before the birthing of this moment

It lies in wait, just watching silence

No need, no want, no thing, no thing

No this or that, no world, no universe

Just that, just that

Unbounded peace, perfect praise, it is home

I am grace

– Rumi




Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ