Something Wonderful is Happening

All of the processes of nature are successful.
Nature knows no failures.
She never plans anything but success.
She aims at results in every form and manner.
To succeed in the best and fullest sense of the term we must,
               with nature as our model, copy her methods.
In her principles and laws we shall discover all the secrets of success.”

Raymond Holliwell – Working with The Law

See the truth of this – everything you see in this universe, yourself included, is nothing but the expression of an infinite power. This power is forever flowing in and through you – in fact it is the real You.

The sole purpose of this infinite power is expansion and fuller expression, since that is its nature as “infinite.” It does this through us, and we experience it as growth.

You have desires simply because that is the thrust of unexpressed possibility within you seeking expression through your action.

The infinite power within you is capitalizing on your unique flavor to express itself in your unique ways through the desires that flow through you.

The infinite power is responsible for everything made in this world. (has to since it is infinite . . .  right?) Hmm. So why does the world look this way? We as human beings are responsible for WHAT the infinite power has made in our lives. And that WHAT is made by us from our images.

Like at the Movies

Everyone is using the image-making process and always has. Watch your mind for a moment and become aware of how you can see one image then move it to another image in your mind.

You are the director, writer, and producer of this image projection. At this point, you may be aware that everything we do is preceded by an image. 

This process is really apparent to me in creative processes such as baking, sewing, graphic design. I briefly get an image of how it could look, and when it feels right, I proceed and it happens in that way. I am now spreading that awareness to the less readily apparent areas of my life, like my business and personal relationships.

Now it’s time to play. You can put any image in your mind that you like.

How about health?
How about prosperity?
And peace?
Specifically . . .?

Just build these images in your mind and watch what happens. Add every little detail you can. See it, smell it, taste it, feel it, hear it, get all your senses involved in creating the image.

The knowledge of Image-Making eliminates competition from your life, by moving you from the competitive plane to the creative plane.  In truth, the only competition you will ever have is from your own ignorance.

Remember, that when things get tough, you must continue to hold the picture of what you want and not waver. Persist in holding that image, and whatever must happen to you will prepare you to receive the good you desire.

Those who know the truth learn to love it.
Those who love the truth learn to live it.

Expect an Abundance

The second key element to realizing your potential is to expect the good you desire. Desire without expectation is nothing more than wishful thinking. Don’t fall into the trap of creating positive images then expecting obstacles, limitations, and falling short because you will not attain what you are after.  

Once you have the solid image in your mind, then it is the expectant attitude which ensures that your goal or dream is not negated, replaced, or cancelled out by opposing or competing ideas. 

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” 
– Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich

Then it is important to move beyond believing that something will be so to knowing it actually will be. Remember that truth is not always in the appearance of things. 

Desire moves you ahead in the direction of your dream; expectation attracts your dream towards you. See how this removes the effort in creating something?

The infinite power is working in both directions to fulfill its desires through you. When you visualize yourself with that infinite power flowing through, you can see that you are the physical instrument but without limitation.

With this perspective, it is easy and natural to expect the good you desire.

Your Magnetic Attraction

When you hold the image of your desire in you mind as a present event, you automatically vibrate in harmony with every single bit of energy necessary for the manifestation of your image on the physical plane.

Then those bits of energy cannot help but move towards you (because they are in resonance) as you are moving towards them.

That’s just how this manifestation called the Universe works.


So, this brings up the truth of Free Will.

We can put any image we desire (or fear) in our mind, and the corresponding will be attracted. Both positive and negative exist so that we can develop discernment and learn to choose the one that furthers our lives.

As we receive more and more of the good we desire, the choice is still there.

Free will is never disengaged at any point, and the beauty of it is that we still get to choose for the good while we are surrounded by it. And someone surrounded by negative always has a choice for the positive, no matter what current appearances are.

Coherence or Chaos

This is an orderly universe. Everything you will ever desire is already here. It is up to you to get into harmony with it.  

The image you hold is what you get. If your image is constantly fluctuating, you will  continually be growing something different, which expresses as chaos. If you have held opposing desires (one a fear), you will get exactly that, chaos, right on schedule!

OK, it is apparent now that waking up each morning, your focus is best on the ways to do the things you want to do rather than on all the reasons why you cannot do those things. Even in the face of the appearance that those things are not happening.

Remember that what appears to be failing does not make a failure. The only way we can fail is to decide to stop going ahead anymore.

Courage to Take the Plunge

That means we must take risks!

That does not mean to act foolishly, but to bravely do something we have never done before.

Risk-takers are knowledgeable people who study situations carefully, have confidence in their own abilities and have a healthy self-image. And it turns out that risk-takers are most often the ones who succeed!

“Risk-takers live exciting, creative lives, because they are living the kind of life that we are all intended to live.”

Bob Proctor – You Were Born Rich 

The Razor’s Edge

The difference in people who accomplish great things and people that don’t is actually very little. But it is that little that makes the big difference.

This is documented in the book and the movie called The Razor’s Edge.

One person sees an opportunity, the other acts on it. One student misses a passing grade by 1 point, another makes the passing grade, even if it is by 1 point.

Look at the difference in times of Olympic athletes – some are separated by barely a second. But one stands on the podium with a gold metal and another doesn’t even get to the podium.

What makes the difference to one person is different with another person. Find out what it is for you, and do what you must do to have that edge. 

The Infinite Power Supports You on the Edge

Once again, remember that if you can build an image, no matter how far out and new, you absolutely have the ability to realize it in the physical world.

Look at the Wright brothers and the airplane, walking on the moon, cell phones and wi-fi internet. You have a creative power that reaches into the area where all life originates, the vast infinite power. Use it to go for your wildest imagination. 

Too often we are stuck on “what is.”

By looking at our present results, we only project what we know we can do. And limit ourselves from the true desire burning within. If we stay there, we only see reasons why we can’t. Giving free rein to imagination, and disengaging from the past, keeping an expectant attitude, we see why we can.

Give this process a go: whenever you come up with an idea that says why you can’t, immediately go to another idea until you find one that tells you how you can. You are using to the most advantage the law of opposites.

You cannot have a dark without light, an in without out.

Therefore, if you see why something you want to do cannot be done, then you must be able to figure out how it can be done.

Isn’t that freeing! You are aware of the negative, and at the same time, you give all your attention to the positive.

Nature Abhors a Vacuum

Finally, make space for the good that you desire.

Nature abhors a vacuum. When you give something away, you are making space for something new to come in your life.

You can never give too much of anything. At the same time, fully expect to receive something in return. Most often you will be receiving from another direction from the one you gave to.

But surely you must receive. Remember you are dealing with an infinite power that behaves in a very specific way.

The ultimate of this is to let go of every single thought and action when it has passed.

By emptying the mind, the infinite power has full rein to introduce its bounty without limitation. Every thought, feeling and action surrendered when the moment is passed frees us tremendously. This is Nature’s successful process.

We can only succeed when we let go to that infinite power. 

What is Your Potential?

I have just synthesized a lot of the high points from my learning through Lisa Long and her class on Bob Proctor’s material You Were Born Rich.

In pulling together these ideas and flowing from one to the next, I have brought it to a new level of integration for myself. I recommend that you read the book You Were Born Rich. It is even available as a free ebook which is emailed to you. I love having a paper copy so I can mark significant places – and Bob sells them on his website, too.

Too often I talk to people who would benefit from my services, and I find that they limit the possibility of working with me. The perception of no money, not covered by insurance, all ideas of lack and limitation. I know the current situation may be that, but they hold that they cannot create anything else in the future.

My wish for everyone is to know themselves as that infinite power and to act more and more to create the abundance in their life that they deserve. Please comment below your thoughts and experiences.

Every day I am thankful for the “riches” that I was born with.

God’s gift to you
is more talent and ability
than you will ever use in one lifetime.
Your gift to God
is to develop and utilize
as much of that talent and ability
as you can, in this lifetime.
           – Steve Bow 



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ