NarianChitBy Narian Ishaya, published 2012

This “Guide to Discovering Divinity” provides clarity and insight to spiritual matters that only someone experiencing divinity can provide. Narian Ishaya talks of awakening to enlightened consciousness with conviction that it is available to all.

He says, This book . . . is an invitation to remember that there is a divine purpose to your life.”

He then offers this tip: “When you are truly able to see the mind for what it is, you simply no longer entertain it, preferring instead the freedom of blissful awareness that lies beyond.”

481600_10150289415709987_956022573_nNarian covers topics that have come up in his many years of spiritual teaching, “ultimately revealing the possibility for anyone to walk the timeless path of the mystic, without needing to leave behind the fulfilling experience of life.”

The title “Chit Happens” shows his sense of humor. “The word ‘Chit’ is Sanskrit for consciousness itself, and the title is a play on a popular Western saying.” (pg vii)

“The most profound and permanent advancements in consciousness are a result of a movement of grace from within, not because of personal effort. The spiritual path is learning to get out of the way and let the natural return to the Self happen to you.”

“With the tiniest amount of effort you are almost home. With no effort at all you are there.” (pg 66)

He illuminates the pitfalls on the path, as well as laying a groundwork for beginners. For example,

“The habit of the mind is to seek the sensory. As consciousness begins to open to its true nature, the senses become heightened too. Feelings of love and joy, experiences of colors and lights, manifestation of latent powers of attention can all come into awareness. Without guidance, these things can be seen as indicators of progress, and actually be sought as the goal. This is far from true.” (pg 62)

ChitHappensI was struck over and over with the consistent elegant frame of reference encompassing each topic of discussion. It all makes sense and it is as simple as it can get.

I was relieved that the book was not one long “infomercial” for his particular spiritual practice. I get the impression that he really cares about others waking up. Proving this point, he dedicates his book, in part, “To all beings from all traditions, past, present and future, who have made the Kingdom of Heaven second to none.”

chitbookI have given this book to many friends and students, assured that they will have some lingering question answered, as happened for me.

“Chit Happens” pulled together teachings I had heard before in a logical progression.

While reading it, my perspective shifted on topics such as surrender, guidance, manifestation, thoughts, ego, and suffering and it opened up whole deeper levels of experience for me.

“As one learns to take the awareness inward to Source, there is agreat joy in surrendering the outcome to God, surrendering my personal, little, whiny will to a greater will. The desires can be enjoyed, but the attachment to their fulfillment is surrendered.

This is not as passive as it sounds. When you are not attached to a particular outcome, there is no sense that you could get it wrong. and so you are much more free to take steps placed before you to move towards the goal. If the path appears to change course, you are also free just to flow with it.” (pg 72 – 72)

Chitmind“This is why guidance is so important. You cannot think your way out of your mind. You cannot self-refer your way to freedom, because everything, and I mean everything the mind believes about what freedom is like, is wrong. The mind cannot know about freedom because its very nature is limitation. Having someone who has gone beyond the mind to help you do the same allows you the space to return to innocence, to no longer need to figure it out for yourself.” (pg 32)

“Ultimately, the laws of manifestation do not, in and of themselves, help you on the path; they are simply a by-product of it.

A higher truth is that the universe has always existed to serve you. The laws of nature are constantly moving to bring you what you desire. Even so, the mighty forces of nature herself cannot keep up with the thousands and thousands of unclear and contradictory desires of waking state humanity.

There are no worthy and unworthy desires. It helps to view the universe as absolutely obedient, but a little bit stupid . .  be clear. Once you are clear, commit.” (pg 202)

601742_10150293629899987_129814600_n“At any moment you take a thought seriously, you have left the infinite silent presence, and gone into the limited space of the mind. Identification with any thought is limited.” (pg 55)

“True spiritual focus is the recognition that, as you let go of identification with thought, there is peace, every time. Innocently allowing your attention to return to that presence of peace within is developing spiritual focus.” (pg 117)

“It is true that God is everywhere, but pain and suffering arise when that fact is ignored.

The word God refers to the omnipresent source of all experience, including the world itself. Yet the appearance of pain and suffering of any kind is a direct result of identification with the mind or ego. Do not blame God for that which you yourself created.”

“The Kingdom of Heaven never leaves us. God never leaves us. Through our belief that we are never quite enough now, we leave it, and we do so continuously.” (pg166)

In the end, it did not leave me wanting for more answers – only for a richer experience of the Divine.

Get your book at Balboa Press. More information on Facebook.

What is your experience of “chit”? How does chit happen for you?



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

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