Yes, now you can learn a few Bowen bodywork moves that are handy in those emergencies of everyday living.knee

  • Release muscle tension
  • Alleviate joint pain
  • Soothe body stiffness
  • Relieve neck, back, knee pain
  • Stop heartburn, stomachache
  • Ease breathing difficulties
  • Speed injuries to heal

Oh, I just rub it to make it better, why would I want to learn Bowenwork?

Bowenwork is

  • easy to learn – you’ll see results after your first class!
  • easy on your body to perform – no sore thumbs or hands afterwards!
  • gentle on the people who receive it – it doesn’t have to hurt before it gets better.

Bowenwork moves beyond the “fix-it” mentality to utilize the body’s innate intelligence and pace of healing. If you can trust the body’s intelligence too, then when you do the Bowen moves, you will watch the body heal in its own time, in its own order, according to its wisdom.


Bowen BodyworkThis gentle hands-on therapy works through the nervous system to reset the body to heal itself. Through the application of a targeted, gentle touch, we stimulate a nervous system feedback loop. The result is that messages are sent back from the brain to the body to initiate a gentle unwinding.

No manipulating, no forcing, no directed energy work, no process is imposed on the body at all!

When stimulated by the gentle moves, the body’s innate healing intelligence is mobilized to take the liberated energy and use it where the body most requires it. That is why when we touch a knee, it is possible that a long-standing shoulder restriction resolves.

Tell me more how this works

proprioceptorsThere are sensory nerve receptors called proprioceptors located in muscles, tendons, and joints. These proprioceptors are charged with the duty of helping keep our bodies balanced in gravity.

When we have an injury or trauma to the physical body we develop a holding pattern to compensate to avoid further pain. This can even happen after a psychological trauma. These holding patterns, unless released, begin to spread throughout the body and imbalance distant structures. You may not be aware of this holding pattern until it is triggered. One small movement can cause the back to seize up or the neck to become immobile.

“But I only reached over in the shower for the soap!”

Yes, and that was the last straw in the complex pattern of restrictions.

proprioceptormanSo, the Bowenwork stimulates these proprioceptors in the muscles, tendons, and joints to send a nervous system signal to the brain about how the body is held in space.

Then another nervous system message in the feedback loop is sent from the brain to the muscle, tendon, or joint to initiate the gentle unwinding. As a result, the body can find a more balanced structure in gravity.

Advantages of Bowenwork

One of the beauties of this work is that it is so portable. You might normally think of doing the work on a person lying on a massage table. Yes, this is comfortable. But you can work equally well with someone lying across the tailgate of a pick-up truck, on the trail – lying down or even sitting. You can even work on someone sitting next to you on an airplane or at a table in a meeting. Some of the moves you can do “on the fly” just standing next to someone where you are. At home or a friend’s house, you may choose to work on someone lying across the end of a double bed.

A lot of the moves you can easily do on yourself. For example, you can gently do the neck moves while sitting at a computer working or while stopped at a stoplight in the car. I know I’ve often done the knee moves on myself after a challenging walk or hike, and after riding my bicycle.

And then there is the special move of opening up the lungs. It can be done anytime breathing seems to be restricted. I have had sport enthusiasts do this in the game or during the race to help with endurance and improve performance. It also can be done after a meal that results in indigestion in order to relieve the heartburn or acid reflux. Of course, this does not replace a doctor’s treatment, but acts as a handy thing to know in the moment for some relief.

What are Students Saying?

studentsDr. Cheryl gave us excellent instructions on Intro to Bowen. Lots of information and hands on treatment trading places with other students. Totally relaxed at the end of the day!

Gary Greer
Chino Valley, AZ

I felt this Intro to Bowen class was well organized and administered. Small class sizes allow for more direct instruction to ensure that each student really understands the technique.

Tava Ekstrom
Mayer, AZ

This was so enjoyable. Cheryl is a fantastic teacher. My legs and feet are normally cold and numb but even after just this basic class my feet were a lot warmer.

Cheryl was very consistent and I felt that the class was well worth attending. I’m going to have my husband take the class also.

Leslee Couch
Prescott, AZ

So, How can I learn?

Basic introductory Bowenwork classes are being held across the country, and I also used to teach them.    Find them listed at Look for “find a class” and select “Introduction to Bowenwork.” As mentioned on that page, if a class is not scheduled near you, call the instructor of your choice and invite him/her to discuss and demo this exciting work at your location.

b002The class material is covered in four hours, and it is up to the instructor how that is arranged.

Every student goes home with a handout with easy-to-understand photos and instructions. This is where students make their personal notes and can follow along during class. Inculded is bonus material about Tom Bowen, the legacy, and essential anatomical terms.

A considerable amount of time is taken to learn the actual Bowenwork move before it is applied to various parts of the body. This is because it is essential that it activate the proprioceptors mentioned previously in order to get the desired effect.

In total, the following procedures are taught:

  • Lower Back – 2 moves
  • Upper Back – 4 moves
  • Neck – 2 moves
  • Respiratory – 3 moves
  • Knee – 4 moves

I’m excited about putting wellness in YOUR hands with Bowenwork.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ