I believe life is easier and smoother when you have a mentor who has trodden the path you are on. Someone you recognize is on the same page as you. Someone who sees who you really are. You recognize that certain something inside and say “I want what you have”. And the mentor can guide you to that.

Here is wisdom from my mentor about living a free life, about what it takes to be free. They are words to live by.

Stop and savor each one. I welcome you to print these out for inspiration.


Silence Freedom is not something YOU get, so it is not by fixing yourself, trying to be stiller so that you become free. 

It is by letting go, letting go of beliefs, concepts, ideas and the only thing that is left and will always be left is the Silence.


If you didn´t label anything that runs though you,
if you didn´t label anyone outside of you,         
you would realize two things. That the only true emotion is love, 

and that everything around you is Divine Love.
Everyone around you is God.



birdonblue      Divine love doesn´t have an object.

     It is not directed to someone.

     It is the platform where you rest.

     When you love yourself fully and completely,
     every single part of yourself,
     in that moment you are free.


If you really want freedom you have to let everything go, because struggle and suffering comes when we hold on to something.

And you are all able to do it, you are capable of doing it.

It is your natural state.

The only question here is if you are willing to do it.



peaceful-water-green-leaves-shad      As you evolve in your waking up you become child-like.
     (not childish)     You see the world and your experience as if it were the first time,
     with total freshness and innocence,
     always allowing and surrendering, holding nothing. 

      This is not the path of knowing, it is the path of letting go.


I can tell you that thoughts don’t even exist.

Only Silence and the appearance of movement.

But to experience that you have to let go of what you think you know.

This is not the path of knowing, it is the path of letting go.                         



liveyourdreammm      Live every day holding NOTHING.

     It should be a huge relief to live this way – to take nothing seriously.

     You absolutely need to do this to live in bliss.

     Letting go is heavenly –
     moving in absolute perfection dictated by the will of God.


There is only one thing that needs to be accomplished: perfection of the present moment.

There is a linear NOW, not a point between the past and the future.

Remember, time will always kick you in the ass.

Disengage from your need to leave the NOW.

Not for anything.



white lotus All movement comes from Silence and returns to Silence – unless you take it personally.

Let everything go back to God unencumbered.

Identifying it and holding it is the source of all suffering.

Over time you learn to better create space between you and the thought.

Alertness is required.


About special thoughts, what makes them special is not just the content. It’s that you don’t want them.

You want to push them away, and your reaction and your resistance gives them power.

They don’t deserve it.

But your special thought is your ticket out.

Get good with surrendering it and the rest are easy.



smellfreshair      You never have problems letting go from Silence.

     The only barrier is you holding on
     and missing the river of grace.

     When you surrender everything,
     you stand right in the middle of the river of grace.

     No part of God’s plan was for you to suffer so you can grow.  


Letting go is heavenly –
moving in absolute perfection dictated by the will of God.  When you leave that it’s only because you are trying to impose your will.Every time you think, “I’ve got to do something, God’s will isn’t doing it,”
and you grab hold,
you are long gone from the river of grace.


bear The purpose of your life is to wake up, to seek the Kingdom of Heaven with every part of your being.

Go for it.

Dedicate every day to union with God.

Create a life where every part of it is about union with God.

Try it. Give it just two days.


If you want to live your life’s purpose, surrender to God’s will.

When Silence is more important than stuff, surrender will create an environment of service.

Waking up requires absolute dedication and the willingness to give up compromise.



jumpforjoy The fastest way to freedom is to surrender everything.

It need not take any time at all,
but you have to do it from the Silence not from your head.

Let everything go back to God unencumbered.

Identifying with it and holding it is the source of all suffering.


Surrender is everything.

If you want a happy, joyous and free existence, surrender everything back to God.

If it’s a really big issue, surrender the whole thing, the entire context back to God. Otherwise it runs you endlessly.

Surrender is much less exhausting, and pretty easy from the Silence.



healingdreamtime      So you are going to experience desires throughout your life,

     the deal is if you give them back to God as they come,
     and leave the outcome to him,                 

     or you grab it and impose your will . . .
     that´s when you find pain and suffering.



I could tell you that the only real feeling that goes through your nervous system is love.      

And that the only reason why this isn´t your experience yet, is because of a label.

That label, is 100% of the times, wrong.



mother      If you didn´t label anything that runs though you,
     if you didn´t label anyone outside of you,
     you would realize two things.      That the only true emotion is love,      and that everything around you Divine Love.
     Everyone around you is God. 

     If for just ONE day you would see everyone around you
     as God,
     you would be crying in joy forever.


Divine love doesn´t have an object.

It is not directed to someone.

It is the platform where you rest.

When you love yourself fully and completely, every single part of yourself,
in that moment you are free.



catndogz      Everything that is “evil” comes from humans
     imposing their own will.

      All good comes from God´s will. 

     If all humans would simply surrender to the will of God,
     violence will be gone from this planet.
     Give everything to the will of God.


I assume that you want your greatest desire badly. You really really want it.

Now, give it all to God.

Give everything to God and assume that every experience that comes to you is God granting you your greatest desire.

Don´t reject, don´t resist, simply allow.



peaceonearth      Trust God.

     For you to experience your greatest desire,
     (peace, happiness, union with God),
     everything that is not that has to leave your system.

     Sometimes that can look uncomfortable, but trust God.

      Allow. Allow. Allow.


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“Naturopathic Physician Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf is a doctor who listens and has answers with a natural approach that works. She is known as the go-to person to get back your get-up-and-go when it is gone, gone, gone. Get your FREE gift “Dr. Kasdorf’s Health Secrets for Feeling & Looking Great” at drcherylkasdorf.com





Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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