
  • home of Dr. Linda Jarvis, NMD, a friend since studying together at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
  • the location of my latest “Introduction to Bowenwork” class
  • famous for the south’s favorite snack: hot boiled peanuts
  • home of “Unclaimed Baggage” as I discovered as Linda took me shopping
  • mecca for space and rocket science enthusiasts

Journey with me as I remember this visit:

Jarvis Clinic

JarvisClinicThis is Dr. Linda outside her clinic in Madison, Alabama.

She hosted an “Introduction to Bowenwork” class on Saturday, July 20. I was impressed at the enthusiasm of the students and their excellent results that day. Half of the class expressed interest to go on and study Bowenwork to become a practitioner!

JBowenclassThis is what Sherry C. had to day: I found this class to be an excellent overview of Bowenwork and also feel very comfortable with the concept of this method at the end of class.

Personally, I had been experiencing chronic spinal muscle pain and low back pain for 2 ½ weeks with no break. I had tried heat, ice, massage, muscle relaxers and pain killers with very minimal relief if any. By the end of this class I was completely pain free. It was amazing!

Thank you Dr. Cheryl!


BowenClassAL1And Judy from Black Mountain, NC:

What a wonderful introduction to Bowenwork!

I drove 6 hours to get here and arrived feeling ungrounded, queasy, and stiff. I am leaving feeling very relaxed, no queasiness, and much looser in my back and hips.

Thank you, Cheryl, for your class! I thought your instruction was very articulate and your demos were great. I am definitely interested in more trainings.

House on the Lake in Scottsboro

My accommodations were the dream house Linda and her husband Tom built on a lake, which I found out is the Tennessee River.

JarvisguestroomJarvissunriseI got to sleep in a room with a view of the lake.

I got up to see the sunrise, and it was beautiful, don’t you think?

We ate meals prepared from produce fresh from her gardens, enjoyed out on the porch.

Jarvisporch1JHeirloomtomatoesHere are some heirloom tomatoes they grew. We enjoyed them in a Caprese salad, with fresh basil and mozzarella cheese.

We even went for a boat ride on the lake, and when the rain started up, we enjoyed fresh baked peach cobbler at a friend’s house.

Jarvisriver4 And what house is not a home without a cat or two?






They gave me a guided tour of nearby Guntersville, where Tom and Linda met, and lived for quite a while.

Jarvis1stmetJarvis1sthomeJarvis1stofficeThis is the spot where they first met, their first house there, and Linda’s first clinic there.

Hot Boiled Peanuts

jBoiledPeanutsboiledpeanutsboiledpeanuts2This was my first experience of “The South’s Favorite Snack” – hot boiled peanuts. They are green peanuts in the shell, boiled in salted water, and they are delicious. The texture is starchy soft, and I see why the South loves them!

Unclaimed Baggage

JUnclaimedBaggageThen there was the shopping. Apparently, Unclaimed Baggage is exactly that – unclaimed baggage. I was curious what I would find, and found out that they supplement with a lot of other merchandise.

spacecenterThen we headed to the space center.

We saw groups undergoing educational experiences and some astronauts actually had their start here!


Space and Rocket Center

JarvisHuntsvittleNASAspacerocketI was impressed with the technology.

The scale of the rockets was a sight to behold.

This one is what took the space shuttle up out of earth’s gravity.

I highly recommend these spots on your next Alabama trip!

If you have been to Alabama, or wish to go, please leave me a comment below and compare your experiences!

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“Naturopathic Physician Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf is a doctor who listens and has answers with a natural approach that works. She is known as the go-to person to get back your get-up-and-go when it is gone, gone, gone. Get your FREE gift “Dr. Kasdorf’s Health Secrets for Feeling & Looking Great” at




Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ