Bowen with your Pet Buddy

A Story

Unc2009Last week I was walking my dog, Unc, and he was walking awfully slowly, almost laboring to take the steps and keep up. I thought “Oh, oh, this is the beginning of the end.” I shortened the walk, and waited to see if it was different the next day. It wasn’t.

You see, Unc turned 16 last October, and had some health problems at 13 that surgery resolved for the meantime. Unc loves his daily walk, and usually leads me, saying, “let’s go faster” with his quick step. This time there was a definite lack of bounce in his step. The week before he was fine, so I looked to see if he had a stone in his toes, or some other problem. I couldn’t figure it out.

Then Sunday rolled around, and I took him as usual to my Bowen trade. A friend and I do Bowen on each other, and I include Unc by doing Bowen on him as well as my friend. I started including him after his surgery, because I figured it couldn’t hurt. Taking him to the trade date ensured that I would do the work on him regularly, and not forget. I didn’t know what the Bowen would be doing for him, but if I felt as good as I do from the Bowen bodywork, I figured he would too.

When we got home from the Bowen trade, it was walk time again. But Unc was a different dog! He had a bounce in his step and sped forward. I dared to do the full walk we were accustomed to, and he even beat me up the final hill to our house! Wow – what a difference!

And the next day, and the next day, and the next day he has been that energetic walker again.

What I had forgotten to take into account was that 3 weeks had elapsed between Bowen treatments instead of two. I was too busy that last weekend to go do the Bowen trade. Could that be what made the difference?

Do you want to make a difference in how your pet feels?

cattrailUnc’s startling experience reminded me that I wanted to offer my patients the same opportunity. I know how Bowen works on 2-leggeds, and now I see how ideal it can be for 4-leggeds. I can work on your pet at the same appointment when you receive Bowen bodywork treatment. I hope that makes it simple.

There are a few considerations. Safety is my primary concern. I cannot risk injury from a pet and lose time from work due to a potential injury. The fact is that dogs and cats that are hurting, that need the Bowen treatment, can act in a way that is uncharacteristic to their usual personality. Dogs can bite suddenly when a tender spot is touched. While I have been trained to be careful with treatment, unexpected things can happen.

dogncatYour pet can be treated while you gently restrain them before your treatment. In some cases, the treatment can happen in the two minute pauses of your own Bowen bodywork treatment! We can assess which is best when you and your pet show up to the appointment. We want it to be good for you, and good for your pet to the last arf and purrrr.

All the benefits you get from a Bowen bodywork treatment, imagine being available for your pet. Yes, it could be simple relaxation to walking better to opening up the lungs . . . or the unknown that makes a dog walk with the spring back in his step.

This is how it breaks down:

  • Your Bowenwork session: $109
  • Your pet, add: $45

Good for the Whole Family

Treat your animal companions with the gift of Bowen bodywork. At your next Bowenwork appointment, ask about a treatment for your pets. It could be the most beneficial thing you have done for them. It may become a treat more treasured than a meaty bone.


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Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ