Water + Time = Awesome

by | Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND | 0 comments

1CathedralCaveEntranceCome Brave the Cave! Cathedral Caverns in Alabama beckons coolness on a warm summer day. 14LindaCherylCaves15LindaTomCaves Cheryl and Linda and Tom and Linda pose at the entrance to the cave If you have a sense for adventure and you marvel at natural wonders . . . join me 4CathedralCaveWaterDropletsThere was so much moisture in the air, that when I took a photo with the flash on the camera, all I got was a refection of the water droplets in the air. So, low light level photography was the order of the day. Because of that, I got a lot of blurry pictures because I moved the camera during the exposure. These caverns have three unique formations: the first of which is the biggest pillar or column. 5aColumn The second is a frozen waterfall of rock. 7FrozenWaterfall 8FrozenWaterfall2 The third is the Cathedral Room. 12WitchesBroomstick 10StalagtiteOrange 11CathedralCaveRoom And on the way, we saw plenty of stalagtites and stalagmites. 9StalagtiteColumn 6Stalagtites As we were leaving, there was a foggy glow at the entrance. The tour guide said that this predicts rain within 24 – 48 hours, and it did rain! 13CaveGlow AWESOME!



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ