Boundless New Year

BSCLSpaDay13The author of the book Boundless, Greg Hopkinson is on a world tour called the Boundless Project. He and his partner Aditi stopped in Salt Lake City for New Years. I visited with them and the others coming to see them. We had a blast!

Here they are with the full moon at sunset at Snowbird Resort.

Boundless – Why? How? What?

BSLCAnn30Why the Boundless project?

Our desire is that everyone in this lifetime lives in perpetual joy, happiness, unconditional love and contentment; and lives harmoniously and at one with everything that exists on the planet.

How is this possible?

By providing, in a fun and inspiring way, practical tools and resources to allow anyone to move towards their own peace and happiness.

BoundlessBookCoverWhat are we offering?

The book ‘Boundless’ by Greg Hopkinson is one man’s successful passage from a chaotic life to one of unbroken peace and harmony. The journey to perpetual inner peace is universal – it’s only the backdrop of our individual lives that is different. Our own recognition that peace and happiness are possible is a fundamental step.

Written tips and video clues listed in the ‘Departure Lounge’ on the website. They are available to anyone.

Ascension – the most impactful approach that automatically prioritises the Stillness over thoughts, thinking and emotion; and profoundly impacts the total.

New Years Eve







New Years Day

BSLCSpaDay03Meditation in Motion, a Meetup group in Salt Lake City, sponsored a Spa Day at Snowbird Cliff Lodge Resort. I lead an interactive presentation: Have True Holiday / New Year Peace by changing the relationship with your mind.

It was well attended, and participants had great discoveries and questions.

BSLCSpaDay10Asoka lead an Intuitive Healing session, where all participants found how we all have natural healing abilities.

By working in partners, with hands off the body or lightly touching it, we held the receiver in their wholeness, and wonderful things happened.
Finally Aditi lead an experiential talk “The Power of Praise.”

BSLCNYE2January 2

January 2nd was the sixth wedding anniversary of Samadhi and Gandarva.

Gandarva is in white and Samadhi is the third from the left at our celebration. In addition, this photo captures Bhima, Sukra Payah, and me in the kitchen.

Samadhi planned a potluck gathering and a new year Burning Bowl ceremony. That was powerful!

BSLCAnn22BSLCAnn20January 3

BSLCt11On Saturday, January 3rd, Greg gave a talk and signed books for the public. The talk was fascinating, he made an synopsis of his life and search for the peace and wellbeing he experienced when he had a near-death experience trapped in an avalanche. Looking to replicate that experience, he tried fast living through high-stakes business deals, travel to exotic places, drugs (prescription and otherwise) and social drinking.

BSLCt07I could relate to Greg’s ongoing sense that peace and happiness was just around the corner, just if . . . but not just yet.

His is an inspiring account of how inner peace IS available for all – even a fast-living dude who looked for it in all the “wrong” places.

The audience lined up to buy a book and have him sign it.

Sunday, January 4

I went for a little hike with Atri before going to the airport. Look at the views!








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Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ