More than a buzzword: Structured Water

by | Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND, Naturopathic Philosophy, Water | 0 comments

I remember strolling through convention halls were people were proclaiming the virtues of structured water. If you would only buy and drink a certain bottled water, you would feel marvelous.

I never got it. It seemed contrived and expensive.

But as a Naturopathic Physician, I strive to find the most natural form of many things, including water. Now, listen to Clayton talking about structured water, water’s natural form:

The Natural Action Water unit creates a double vortex flow-form, which how water can flow in mountain streams in nature.

When you drink a glass of water, or you bathe or shower in water that has flowed through a Natural Action Water unit, you are getting the same energetic, life-enhancing properties as you find in nature’s water.

Voila! My answer!

What are the benefits?

In the last few years, Natural Action Technologies have done some research, with the help of their distributors.

In beverages:

  • Water tastes better! Everyone who has bought one knows this!
  • Neutralizes chlorine, fluoride, and other toxins found in water.
  • Coffee tastes smoother.
  • Orange, apple, and other juices have more flavor.
  • Makes teas taste purer.
  • Milk tastes sweeter.
  • Beer tastes cleaner.
  • Neutralizes sulfites in wines.

In tap water and pools:

  • Eases Chlorine Swimming Pool Water Effects – Water becomes less irritating to the eyes and skin. Many people have less irritation, as well as the feeling of greater energy, after swimming in structured water.
  • Chlorinated tap water tests – Test expresses changes in chlorine levels, from 1 to 0. Manel in Cellers, Spain first helped with this test.

Increased health, such as

  • Organ energetics improved in the entire body.
  • Functionality Indicators improve
  • Stress Reduces

as measured by:

  • Human Observation
  • Human Body and Tongue (The most sensitive of all instruments)
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) pulse testing
  • Korean Hand Therapy (KHT pulse testing)
  • Applied Kinesiology (AK) / muscle testing

Better health as Vital signs optimize:

  • High Blood Pressure – Reductions in blood pressure have occurred instantaneously with drinking structured water.
  • Low Blood Pressure – Shifts upward in low blood pressure readings have spontaneously risen showing structured water has the ability to provide balance to the body.
  • Temperature – Low temperature readings have risen back to normal or close to normal.
  • Respiration Rates have slowed markedly, e.g., as much as 12 respirations per minute to 6 per minute.
  • Pulse Rates – Pulse rates have dropped significantly for many stressed people. Conversely, they have risen for people with weak pulses.
  • Dark Field Blood Tests show the improvement of red blood cells through the dissipation of unhealthy clumping, a known marker of poor oxygenation states and disease.
  • Brain Wave States – Pulses are generally linked to brain wave function. The pulses show that brain wave states shift into more functional parameters.

Other health benefits:

  • Burns lessen.
  • Eyes feel less irritated…Creates Blue light buffer for computer users.
  • Bumps and bruises become less swollen when structured water is applied.
  • Nails Improve and become less brittle as the liver is hydrated and detoxified with structured water. Jacqueline Aldana
  • Skin Tone improvement / people report Skin Tags disappear
  • Endurance and Energy Improves as hydrated water feeds the body. Structured water is more energized water, hence, energy goes up.
  • Mental Clarity & Brain Function Improve as Water feeds the Brain. Brain is 95% water…People think better.
  • Recovery Rate improves – People doing gym workouts noticed their post workout recovery rate picking up.
  • Breathing improves and becomes easier as kidneys and lungs are fed, especially in Kidney deficient rasping and asthmas. All people are chronically dehydrated.
  • More Awareness – Drinking structured water makes one more aware.
  • Greater sense of groundedness – People remark of a feeling of more centeredness.
  • Sleep states improve.
  • Detoxification of body through bath and showers – People have noticed how much cleaner their body feels after bathing in structured water.

In gardens and agriculture:

  • Fountains and garden misters lost calcium deposits which saved the owner lots of money in maintenance expenses. Adam Abraham
  • Brix Levels raised in Strawberries rapidly in a few days making for sweeter tasting fruits . . . Arizona growers.
  • Leaves on vines healthier – Of two exact species of vines, the vine grown with structured water had 6-9” leaves, shinier, and greener than the non-structured water vine, whose leaves averaged 3-6” and were mostly dull and dehydrated.
  • Structured leaves lasted twice as long before cracking after picked, that is, 9 days for the structured vine as compared to 4.5 days for the non-structured vine leaves.
  • Rose bushes turning into Rose Trees. We started with rose flowers at 4-6 feet in two years going to 6-8 feet. Fragrances of the rose were incredibly beautiful.
  • Cut Roses in Vases Comparison Study- Structured roses left in vases lasted 13 days as compared to non-structured roses cracking and drying, and losing leaves by 6 days.
  • Tangerine Trees Juice Taste Test – Tangerine trees raised with structured water delivered superior juice which raised the taste bar way over anything experienced here-to-fore from a store, and brought the awareness of heart, joy, and delight to the awareness that AHA! This IS how food should be!!!
  • Higher Nutrient Content – Grapes hit an amazing 24 on the Brix scale in Mexico. An excellent grape is 20. A poor grape is 8. The Brix scale is a measure of sugar content but also an overall indicator of plant health and nutrition.
  • Soil loses its calcium glazed hardness. Water and minerals absorb more easily.
  • Faster Harvest Time – The grapes in Mexico had to be picked two weeks ahead of normal harvest dates because they were turning to raisins on the vine.
  • Fungus growth absent – No fungal growth was present on the crop. Fungal growths are usually apparent on most grape crops, Thanks to David Contreras, NAT Arizona Distributor for these grape insights.

At home, and in your car:

  • Cleaner Pipes in Home and Businesses, Wells, and Cars – People have house sectors flushing out black water for a few weeks. Hair no longer deposits in pipes. Insides of pipes become clean.
  • Save money on bottled water or long term water costs.
  • Well pipes lose their toxicity and clean out the aquifer.
  • More soap suds/softer water – On many occasions, where there was hard water, within minutes, it changes to soft, bringing forth soap suds.
  • Radiators flush out.
  • Gas mileage has increased for people just by adding structured water to radiator.

Does this give you ideas?

How could structured water improve your life and health?

See the Topic “The Magic of Water” in my free mobile app for more ideas.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ