Call for a New Medical System in Japan

From a medical system that kills to one that cures

“If the malignant 90% of the medical system disappeared from this planet there can be no doubt that people would become healthier.”

– Dr. Robert Medelson (Confessions of a Medical Heretic)

dollarsThe reports about annual medical expenditures

  • Japan: about 50 trillion yen (including over-the-counter medications)
  • United States: in 2014 exceeded 3.8 trillion dollars
  • Globally: estimated at 10 trillion dollars

Dr. Mendelson estimates that 90% of that (9 of 10 trillion dollars) is money paid by medical procedures and practices that actually cause harm to patients, and eventually kill them. He concludes that this needs to stop and be replaced with medicine that actually heals.

How did this happen?

Why did the intention of giving people medical help mutate into a system the harms and kills people? We have to go back to the principles on which the medical system is based.

We can trace our modern medical system back to German medical guilds 200 years ago.  At that time, the medical consensus was divided between two conflicting views about life. The ancient principle of Vitalism was being opposed by a mechanistic system.


HipocratesHippocrates, a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, was important in the history of medicine. He promoted the school of Vitalism, based in the idea that the life essence or spirit directs health and can be utilized to restore health. His research showed that:

  1. disease is a natural process
  2. the signs and symptoms of a disease are caused by the natural reactions of the body to the disease process
  3. the chief role of the physician was to accompany the Vital Force to overcome the metabolic imbalance and restore health and harmony

The Father of “Modern Medicine”

VirchowThe German physician Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow promoted the mechanistic viewpoint. He was able to push is views in the German medical community 200 years ago. We can trace our “modern medicine” that does harm to him and his viewpoint.

The mechanistic view is that life is purely physical and could be explained through physics and chemistry. He found no scientific proof for vitalism, so said it did not exist. Therefore, if there is no life force directing things,  the only way to cure people was with doctors, medicine and surgery.

You can see how this can work to mutual benefit for pharmaceutical companies and medical practitioners – they need each other. This is the beginning of our medical system. Therefore,  Virchow is revered as the “father of modern medicine.”

So what happened?

Until the 1900’s, there were 5 schools of medicine in the West, each of which had their practitioners and patients.

1) Naturopathy

Emphasizing nutritional therapy, relocating to a healthier environment, hot spring therapy and other natural methods to cure illness.

2) Osteopathy

Emphasizing curing imbalances in the body, including yoga, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, shiatsu and so on.

3) Psychopathy

Emphasizing care for anxiety and troubled hearts and especially dealing with stress in order to heal.

4) Homeopathy

By re-establish homeostasis and supporting the natural healing processes, illness is cured.

5) Allopathy

flexnerreportUsing opposites to suppress symptoms and block the natural healing response, usually needing ongoing treatment to stay suppressed. The end result was the creation of chronic illness.

Then the Flexner report changed all that, by providing medical education with the scientific model only. It passed off as unscientific the vital force and the natural healing power within. The first four schools were affected by this report, and eventually shut down.

Now there are signs of return.

Press Conference for A New Medical System

“We seek to unite patients, healers and the government to establish a new dawn for medicine. We call on ordinary citizens as well as doctors and nurses to participate in this system. With this announcement we plan to sow the seeds of a new medical system.”

The conference is hosted by:

  • Shunsuke Funase, well known Japanese author, specialist on medical issues
  • Richard Koshimizu, head of the Japan Independence Party
  • Benjamin Fulford, journalist with over 50 books published

Statement by conference hosts:

We support the creation of a medical system that cures people instead of harming them. The new system will be based on the following Ten Principles:

  1. It emphasizes natural healing power
  2. Food, the mind and the body will be the basis for healing
  3. Natural cures will be used to the maximum
  4. The nervous and immunological healing systems will be emphasized
  5. Laughter therapy will be actively employed
  6. The use of “qi”(気)therapy will be re-emphasized
  7. Balancing the two halves of the body (seitai) and exercise will be used as therapy
  8. Environmental improvements will be used as therapy
  9. Alternative medicine will be studied from a broad perspective
  10. We will seek to establish new systems of medical governance

Now it’s your turn.

What do you think of this? Please leave a comment below.

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