Show Up for a Great Life

fatigue3Do you feel like your life is too busy and it’s hard to find time for what is most important to you?

For example, if you decided to start a new health regime . . . did you actually start it? How long did you keep it up?

Let’s look at what led you to that decision. Did you

  • read a best-selling book or
  • watch a video or
  • see something compelling on the internet or
  • notice a friend have success or
  • go back to something that worked for you in the past?

What lead you to believe it would work for you? Did you consider if it would lead to what is most important to you?

Sometimes we get swept away by the reasoning in a best selling book – yeah, that must be why I couldn’t do it before and THIS IS THE THING that will make a difference. If the rest of the nation is doing it, then it must be working. But a few months later the next best thing will be sweeping the nation. And it could be saying something completely opposite.

Or we are so compelled by what our friends and family think that we adopt for ourselves what is important to them. Wanting the same things in our lives could mean we have the same values, but where did they come from? Our family or cultural or societal conditioning? Is that all you really are? Your conditioning?

Wouldn’t you like to know how to choose among all the alternatives?

decision-clipart-gg55364375To choose so that when you start something, you can stick with it so you see benefits. And know you are on the right track! So that you do not beat yourself up for not sticking to something, when all along it was the wrong thing. (Haven’t you done that?)

The good news is that you have your best guidance system within. With clarity of what is really, really important to you, actions taken guided by that internal system will see those things more and more in your life. But that does not mean you have to do it all by yourself. Actually, sometimes that guidance system will steer you to collecting information or asking somebody for help.  But you remain your #1 decision authority.

The First Step

sunstorySo the first step is clarity of your deepest most heartfelt desires. These are the things that are most important to you in life. Those things that you cannot live without. With people I have coached, it is the less tangible things, not the Jaguar or vacation home. They are clear that they will know when they have it. It is about how they live their lives day to day, the fullness from relationships, an engaging career, making a difference in the world in a way that nobody else can.

You see, I believe that the desires that are not purely ego gratification are given us as part of who we are. Too often we do not own our desires. We are told to want them is selfish, too big, not gonna happen. After all, who do you think you are?

Summer_Hot_Abstract_SunI have come to see that the Source of this kind of desire is also the Source of the fulfillment of those desires. I see the Universe as benevolent, so it follows that as a desire arises, so do the means of fulfilling it.

If we don’t put attention on the desire and try to deny it, no wonder it is not fulfilled, because we are closing ourselves to the opportunities which would lead to its fulfillment when we divert our attention from it.

So choose to be clear about your deepest desires and don’t divert your attention from them!

Another Step

gratefulWell, that is not all there is to it for most of us. If we expect to see our desires popping up all around us, there are two things.

First, when you notice some aspect of your desire fulfilled – in whatever degree, in whatever form – give thanks.

We may have already recognized that we have some aspect of that desire now. Gratitude then expands our ability to notice more and more what we do have already. As well, it magnetizes the greater and greater fulfillment of that desire.

Second, too often our focus on our greatest desires flags and we get diverted if we are tired, frustrated, or have too many pressures. We stop caring. We forget about what we really want and settle for surviving the moment. And the next day again we survive until we think we can have a break. But that’s not living, is it?

The key to turning it around is to every day spend time focusing on our desires. And in a moment in which there is a lot of pressure, it is even more important to focus on what we want. That allows us to be open to possibilities that we may not have see in the moment, possibilities that bring in more of what we want.

Next step

Your step-by-step decision authority comes from being very very clear about what is really important to you. But there is much more to it.

north-compass-direction-hi (1)I invite you to discover this inner decision authority and move confidently toward a life you love. I offer interactive workshops, teleconferences, and personal coaching. You can walk through life knowing which way is your true north so that success becomes unstoppable. Check the classes page as well as Happiness 4 Success Coaching.

Life is too short to not be living what you love. You have it within you to actualize what is important. Call now to find out how to do just that!

Dr. Cheryl 928-649-9234


“Naturopathic Physician Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf is a doctor who listens and has answers with a natural approach that works. She is known as the go-to person to get back your get-up-and-go when it is gone, gone, gone. Get your FREE gift “Dr. Kasdorf’s Health Secrets for Feeling & Looking Great” at




Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ