If you start feeling like this, these are the first signs that you are “coming down with something”:
- More tired than usual
- Body aches, not related to exercise
- Feeling cold, chilled
- Scratchy throat
- Niggling feeling that you are not your usual self
- Feeling that something is off
- Mounting a fever
You can start with Homeopathy! If these symptoms have gone on no longer than 24 hours, these remedies can work. After that a cold or flu has taken hold, and you need other more individualized measures to speed recovery.
Know your Symptoms
By knowing your body’s usual functioning, you will notice when something is off. Look at yourself in the mirror to get a full picture of what is going on. You may notice:
- pale face
- pale tongue with thick white coat
- reddish throat
- looking tired
- and so on
Symptoms such as fatigue, being chilled and a scratchy throat are evidence that the immune system is working. This is an important point.
Symptoms are not something to ignore and hope they will go away, or attack with over-the-counter medications to suppress or mask them. Symptoms are the language your body uses to communicate an imbalance. Also, symptoms show the strategies the body uses to regain balance.
In general, they are also a call for something in your life to be re-balanced, most often starting with getting adequate rest. So start by taking extra time to rest now.
For example, when you have a cold with a runny nose, the body is producing large quantities of mucus in order to flush microbes, spent immune cells, and other waste materials from the mucous membranes lining your nose. The nose is the entry point to the lungs, so this additionally is protection for the lungs. If you stop the flow with an over-the-counter medicine, you rob your body of the opportunity to rid itself of those unwanted materials. The result can be that the cold lingers longer or that it moves into the lungs.
Lost your appetite? Then nourish yourself with simple foods like meat broths and cooked foods. Avoid sugar, because it weakens the immune system and feeds microbes.
Is it a coincidence that you often feel chilled, or cold at the start of a cold? Listen to the body. It is asking for support to mobilize its immune system. When you feel cold, get warm by
Bundling up, whether it is with layers of clothing or thick blankets in bed.
- Or taking a warm bath or soak your feet in warm water, possibly with warming herbs.
- Sipping on warm drinks like warming herbal tea or soup broth.
- Avoiding cold in the form of cold foods like salads, raw veggies, dairy, oranges and orange juice.
If you are mounting a fever, go with it! Do not take an aspirin or Tylenol to bring it down. When you make a fever efficient, the immune system is activated multiple times over.
Bundle up or take a hot bath to reinforce the heat generated by the fever.
Stay hydrated with plenty of clear fluids, but don’t eat if you are not hungry – and you won’t have much of an appetite with a fever. You can also use warming spices to heat up.
Homeopathy for the First Signs
What do you do when you have the very first signs of “getting sick?”
Homeopathy can often re-balance at the first signs quickly and effectively.
An effective way to throw off illness before it becomes full-blown is by using these homeopathic remedies.
When you feel “off” and something is different in your health, the particular symptoms you have is the body’s response to attempt to regain health. Taking a homeopathic remedy that matches your symptom pattern activates the Healing Power Within to further assist in restoring health.
Find the remedy that most fits your symptom pattern. You do not have to have every single symptom listed.
For a particular remedy to work effectively, identify at least three symptoms that you are now experiencing in the remedy picture.
How to take the remedies
If there is no improvement in 15 to 30 minutes, repeat the remedy by putting another 2 to 3 pellets under your tongue to dissolve.
Often, at the very first stage of the first signs, you will go about your business, forgetting that another remedy dose is needed. Usually within 3 doses, you will see a dramatic difference and perhaps have forgotten that anything was off.
Initially, do not take more than 6 doses of a homeopathic remedy in a row. If you have not responded to that remedy by then, you will not, and you need to choose another remedy or take another approach.
After Waiting
If there is no improvement in 15 to 30 minutes, repeat the remedy by putting the same amount of pellets to dissolve under your tongue.
Many times, at the very first stage of the first signs, you will go about your business, forgetting that another remedy dose is needed. Usually within 3 doses, you will see a dramatic difference and perhaps have forgotten that anything was off.
Initially, do not take more than 6 doses in a row of a homeopathic remedy, because if you have not responded to it by then, you will not and another remedy or approach is called for.
When to Repeat
Often initial relief is felt from the first dose or doses of a homeopathic remedy, but a bit later the symptoms may start to return. This is an indication that it is time to repeat that remedy again, usually with a more lasting result. You can go on repeating the remedy as long as there is relief from the symptoms before the symptoms return again.
When to Stop
When there are no longer any of the initial symptoms, the remedy is no longer needed, so it must be stopped. This is the opposite of say, an antibiotic treatment where you need to take the whole prescribed course in order for it to be completely effective.
It Has Taken Hold
If it has been more than 24 hours since these symptoms first appeared, it is likely that you no longer fit the picture of one of these 3 remedies. You are no longer warding off a cold or flu – it has taken hold, and other measures are needed.
Different homeopathic remedies may be indicated, which is beyond the scope of this pamphlet.
The best approach is to have a medical consult so that you can be treated immediately.
The 3 Basic Remedies
NOTE: This is educational material and is not to be construed as medical advice.
First stage that comes on suddenly after exposure to a cold dry wind
- After a fright or shock, with continued fear, anxiety, and restlessness
- May have a sudden onset of a croupy cough
- Sudden high fever
- Nostrils hot and burning from a hot discharge
- Throat red, dry, hot
- Tonsils swollen
- Can feel like choking when swallowing
- An intense desire for cold drinks
Sudden and violent onset
- High fever with a bright red face and throbbing headache
- Fever can be 103 degrees F or higher
- Can be going about business normally even with the high fever
- Or there can be a delirium with the high fever
- Hot and dry skin
- Glassy eyes
- Aversion to light, noise and jarring
- Throat very sore and red
- Can have a dry cough
- Satisfied with cold water and sour foods
Ferrum phos
Feels like you are coming down with something, but there are no clear symptoms
- Physical weakness or emotional exhaustion
- Feel it in the throat or lungs
- Muscles feel bruised and sore
- Tonsils are red and beginning to swell
- Can be irritable or talkative and excited
- May have a nosebleed
- At the beginning of a high fever, with a flushed face
Get Your Stash of Remedies
You can pick up these remedies in my office (call 928-649-9234 first to be sure we connect) or order online with free shipping.
Go to my dispensary online at Fullscript and if you don’t have an account, you can create one easily. There you will find a category called “For the First Signs.” Included there are these homeopathic remedies: Aconite, Belladonna, and Ferrum phosphoricum among other recommendations.
Beyond the First Signs
Remember, if these remedies are going to work, they will work on the first signs within the first 24 hours. Most likely, you will be back to health then.
If not, you may need different remedies.
Call for a medical consult and you will be back to health in no time.
What is your experience using these remedies?