Are you considering doing a cleansing spring detox?

You can’t go too far in health circles without hearing about doing detoxification.

You may hear about getting rid of the heavy metals, the chemicals, the nasty stuff that has come into our bodies because we are living in this modern world: breathing the dirty air, drinking the polluted water, and eating the sprayed and genetically-modified food.

It is true that chemicals have pervaded just about every inch of the earth. Chemicals were touted to be the 20th century’s gift to human life: magically improving life through science and technology. We are just beginning to see what is coming out of Pandora’s box due to the creation and production of massive amounts of chemicals.

Slow down . . .

There are several points of view that are available to us with this dilemma, and by presenting what I see, I hope you will give consideration to why and how to do a detox, and when it is appropriate and when it is not.

The fundamental downside I see with detoxification is identifying oneself as toxic, unclean, and burdened. This translates that there is something wrong with the world because it is full of dangerous chemicals, and it is something I should be afraid of. As well, there is something wrong with me because I have accumulated this toxic burden.

Toxins then become these things we want to disown, push away, and make evil as the cause of all this ill health and suffering. Once we take this point of view, we become entrenched in a battle we will not win. We feed the fear by frantically trying to get the toxins out.

This shows that we don’t really understand the way we as humans are part of our environment. It shows that we don’t accept that the Universe is ultimately friendly. A friendly Universe does not see us as unclean nor does it see anything wrong with us. By insisting that we push the toxins out at all costs, we reinforce our belief that we are dirty, wrong, and undeserving of the friendliness of the Universe.

In addition, getting rid of toxins heroically by doing a gall bladder flush will empty the garbage can, but we are left fundamentally the same person, processing our environment of food, air, and water the same way as before. Yes, we can feel renewed, but when we go back to our habitual way of living, we accumulate toxins and feel dirty again.

First things first

It is our perspective of life that comes first in dealing with the idea of detoxification. If we accept the idea that the Universe is friendly, then we see it is our responsibility to avoid sources of unnecessary chemicals and unsuitable natural elements as we make the systems of detoxification in our bodies efficient. Furthermore, we can creatively come up with technologies to clean up our environment when we have cleaned up our thinking to not fall back into fear.

I want to emphasize the point of making our own systems of detoxification efficient.

A truly healthy person will take in from the environment what is appropriate from what is presented. This means that this healthy person will take the energies, the interactions with people, the air, water, and food and navigate to find the friendliness of them. Then this healthy person will use what is needed, and process for elimination what is not. The healthy person will be able to route what was taken in but not useful plus metabolic end-products to the organs of elimination and dispel them. That leaves the healthy person with energy and opportunity for growth on the physical as well as mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

I have found that the way to make our systems of detoxification efficient is through the use of homeopathy. There is a complex understanding of the body available in biotherapeutic drainage, and this understanding is coming from the point of view that the Universe is friendly.

How detox?

The only spring detox I recommend starts with making the systems of detoxification efficient through homeopathic remedies. When these systems are efficient, then the accumulated end products of metabolism and unnecessary outside chemicals can be gradually routed out of the body. This happens as a natural result of the efficient detoxification systems, and not from forcing anything to happen. This is a very powerful way to do a spring cleanse. It is affirming that the Universe is friendly.

As it is true that we got to the moon with Newtonian physics, it is true that heroic cleanses and flushes and intravenous chelation will get some chemicals and heavy metals out of our systems and we may feel better. We can view the world and our bodies as merely machines that have certain biochemical pathways and work those pathways to support the organs and cells and get the accumulated chemicals and heavy metals out.

However, the new physics acknowledges that everything is of one piece, an indivisible friendly Universe, whether we experience it or not. When we acknowledge that wholeness and work with our health from this point of view, we see that how our body works is beyond physical mechanical processes. There is an energetic, social, and spiritual process at work as well.

We are responsible for how we take in things, whether they are destructive or beneficial ideas, polluted or fresh air, or chemical-laden or organic foods. We are responsible how we process these things, and how well we use what we need and eliminate the end products when we are done with them as well as what we don’t need. We are responsible for all this.

Our sense of responsibility is informed by how we look at ourselves in the world. Seeing ourselves as the world, the Universe, we could never reject one single part of it, even so-called toxins. It is impossible to reject because everything in the Universe belongs to the Universe. We are friendly to all parts of ourselves. We don’t reject toxins because they are a necessary part of how we work.

By accepting this, we can still become efficient in how we work, and move along what does not serve our health at this moment. We can renew life by accepting it all, and letting how our body works return to its healthy template through homeopathic treatment. The coming of spring reinforces the renewal of life that happens as a cycle of the friendly Universe.


Spring is a time of renewal and new growth. The seeds of the last season have been dormant, and with the energies of the season and nourishing elements of nature like sun and rain, these seeds are being encouraged to sprout. They will only flourish in the right environment.

Chinese medicine explains this renewal as the time when the energies of the liver are active, and the liver filters toxins, therefore it is beneficial to support the liver in the spring. We can support the liver, which supports all the cells in their detoxification. Spring is an appropriate time to consider making our systems of detoxification efficient.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ