Antidote to Overwhelm book coming soon!

by | Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND, Mind/Body techniques | 2 comments

Are you overwhelmed by your frenetic life?

Are you burned out from everything you think you need to do to succeed in life?

Do you doubt that it could be any different?

The antidote is here! And it is in a book I wrote.

This is the beginning of the rest of your life.

Not as in the ’70s saying, “This is the first day of the rest of your life” — but, it is the REST of your life. To rest, in today’s terms means to relax, take it easy, chillax.

And the REST of your life happens only by resting in this present moment.

You know how not getting rest affects your life. Your productivity grinds to a snail’s pace. You try to eek out the last few bits of the project . . . but it seems to elude you.

After resting, it seems so obvious what to do next on the project. In no time, it is complete.

That is the power of resting when we need to.

Rest in all things

Yet, there is another kind of resting that I alluded to. The REST of your life happens in each moment when we can be present with ourselves and live in the unfolding of what life is offering.

This is not mysterious. This is not only for those who have spent decades elevating their consciousness or aligning their chakras.

In fact – you may not believe it – it is our natural state. It is how we operate the best. It is the way we live when we rest back in who we really are and let go of all our expectations and preconceptions and limiting beliefs.

We do revert to our natural state from time to time. You may remember one:

Whether it was connecting with the innocence of a baby, making the shot in the game, or being swept away by the beauty of nature, you were totally engrossed in that experience and nothing else mattered. Nothing else existed at that point, because you had a single-focused attention on what was happening right in front of you.

In an experience like that, we do rest simply in this present moment. We are playing a sport from a relaxed place, and see the ball go right where it scores. We let go of all our cares in the world when we see the beauty of nature. 

We can rest in this moment, in any moment of our lives. 

Let’s play

Would you like to see how simple and effortless it is to rest deeply in this moment?

Let’s play a game to make resting Now simple.

This game is a chapter of my book. You may access it now, gratis, so that you can begin playing.

Simply go to Antidote to Overwhelm dot com, put in your name and email, and a link to it will be sent right away!

The ultimate is to appreciate every moment, for what is here is a perfect serving of what we can enjoy.

Please comment about how you felt after playing this game (below)!



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ