Where is the sweet spot in life?

Have you pondered that for your life?

And, how do I get there?

Or, are you there, in the sweet spot?

On a tennis racket, the sweet spot is the place where you get the “most bang for your buck.” This means that the ball goes exactly where you aim it to go, with the most return force for your swing.

It is the place where the strings respond with a bouncy spring to shoot the ball in the opposite direction. You can hear it when you hit the ball on the sweet spot: it makes a satisfying “ping” instead of a dull “bonk.”


The sweet spot is where magic happens.

On the tennis court, hitting on the sweet spot of the racket, I myself feel in the sweet spot, “in the zone.” I am playing tennis at one with the racket and ball, and volleying happens, the ball bouncing back from racket to court to racket to court as if by magic.

In life, I can feel “in the zone.”

Yet, I ask: Where is the sweet spot? What is the thing I can do in my life to give the most return to the world? In addition, where I am aiming?

It does not specifically have to do with the amount of money that I make, although I am well compensated. It does not have to do with how I can get the most out of the world without giving first. It does have to do with my vision of my life, and how it is unfolding now.

How life is unfolding

As I have been in Naturopathic practice now 20 years, I am currently re-evaluating this once again, as I have done at other junctures in my career.

Seven years ago I branded myself as the “gal that will get back your get-up-and-go when it is gone, gone, gone.”

My focus was thyroid problems, partly because I have been through thyroid issues.

However, not only did I treat thyroid problems, I treated everything else under the sun, because as a Naturopathic physician, that is what we do. Because just about anything else can affect our health and energy to a significant degree, I had to identify and help the patient remove any of those obstacles.

Now, after 20 years’ experience, growing by learning from continuing-ed as well as from guiding patients to greater health, I am taking a new look at my sweet spot. I realize that I have a much more powerful swing now and I am shifting my aim to a little different spot.

Aim and swing

I am shifting to helping professionals live the life they desire by getting back or maintaining their vitality, specifically, as a doctor, their health. Especially, I want to help when they complain of cognitive decline, lack of energy, or unfocused work habits.

I want to make these the best years of their lives by helping them fulfill their life purpose by thriving in business. Because I encourage them to really go for their life goals, I support their sustained energy, mental clarity and enjoyment of life through getting down to the nitty-gritty of their health issues.

With my wealth of knowledge and experience, I can recommend what really works. I guide them to turn around health issues and improve all levels of health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

What it takes

This can be a tall order.

Therefore, I am asking a nine month investment for this “total life make-over.” Things this big take time.

This is what it looks like:

I work with professionals one-on-one and we delve into the health issues that have been stopping them from fully functioning as a professional, as well as a member of their family and society.

I round this out with an overview and group discussion of what it means to eat well, exercise appropriately, rest and sleep deeply, and respond to the stresses of life.

I offer several bonuses, things that I have found to be essential to health in this society, however, that they might not know about. These bonuses range from structured water to learning how to access the “Bright Attitude.”

Of course, I include my book “Antidote to Overwhelm: Resting in This Present Moment” as a bonus.

The result

Professionals can look forward to a transformation that leaves them in the flow of life, succeeding in their professional lives as well as their personal lives. Their definition of success is something individual to them, that they have clarified in the beginning.

They retain methods to support their health, tools to implement in difficult situations, and simply more joy in life.

Where is my sweet spot?

I ask the question again, “where is my sweet spot?”

Rephrasing it, it becomes: “where can I put my time and attention to give the most return to the world to get where I am aiming?”

At this point in my life, I am aiming for the biggest impact I can make.

I am starting with professionals because they are the ones offering the products and services that make our society run. Besides, I know what is involved.  I am one, and I am in this transformation. By making products, services, and people compassionate, efficiently-running and joyful, I impact a larger cross-section of society.


In life, the sweet spot is where my time and attention respond with joy to what I value and the impact that I want to make in the world. The sweet spot is truly sweet; I experience the joy of interaction and the satisfaction of an impact in the world.

The sweet spot is where magic happens.

To discover your sweet spot in life, and uncover if I can help you live in it, start here. You can set up a complimentary session with Dr. Cheryl. 

Or call 928-649-9234.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ