The doctor was sick.

It was a very bad time to be sick. 

Don’t you hate it when you get sick at a most inopportune time? Actually – when you think about it – it never is a good time to get sick. 

I am the doctor that got sick. Doctors aren’t supposed to get sick.

Especially now: I cannot get sick now. I was about to leave on a road trip that would take three days to get to my destination, covering over 1,500 miles with arrangements to stay with at friends’ houses.

I was heading to a privileged gathering of practitioners for the very first advanced training of a cutting edge technique. It was very important to me! In addition, I had paid twelve hundred of my hard-earned dollars for this training. What is more, I promised a friend to go with me on the trip. And she could not drive.

There was a lot at stake. This was a bad time to get sick!

Getting sick

It started with chills up and down my spine. Brrrr!

Shivering, I crawled into bed. I pulled the covers up over my head so that I could warm up as quickly as possible, and also to shut out the possibility of having to cancel this trip.

My head hurt, with pressure across my forehead extending to the back of my head.  It was the kind of headache in which thinking is an effort, and my eyelids felt so heavy that I could not keep my eyes open.

The exhaustion was extreme, with dizziness as if I were drunk.

My whole body ached to the bones. I was weak, so I was happy to be lying down with the bed supporting my miserable body.

All I wanted to do was to go to sleep.

A doctor’s first response

I forced my doctor mind to come out of this droopy dullness to select the homeopathic remedy that corresponded to this state.

I recognized that it looked like a very common presentation of the flu. The remedy that matched is Gelsemium, made from the Yellow Jasmine flower.

I reluctantly got up and rummaged in my homeopathic remedy kit. Finding the Gelsemium, I popped three pellets into my mouth to dissolve.

Thank homeopathy

I sighed a silent blessing that the world works this way. Things in our world are here to heal us – make us whole – if only we know how to use them.

Homeopathic medicine is one way to use the plants, minerals, and animals in our world to help make us whole. Homeopathy is a complex system of preparing the medicines and matching them to the particulars of how you are presenting with this illness.  All you need to know right now is that a homeopathic preparation of a common flower, the Yellow Jasmine, can relieve symptoms such as I had with an exhausting flu.

In fact, in the horrible Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, Gelsemium was one of the most commonly prescribed remedies by Homeopathic doctors. It fit the symptoms of that flu.

You may not know that at that time, one-fourth of practicing physicians were homeopaths. It is also not well known, except by homeopathy enthusiasts, the following well-recorded fact. Fifty percent of the population was dying from the Spanish flu, even previously healthy army recruits. However, patients of homeopaths had much better odds, with only five percent dying. That is the power of homeopathic medicines.

I was counting on it now.

Second thanks

Immediately, with the remedy dissolving in my mouth, I lay down again to rest my exhausted body. I covered up to warm my aching body that by now was shivering like a leaf in the wind.

As I lay there, the intolerable headache filled my awareness while my aching body also fought for my attention.

Then I remembered the Ascension Attitudes which I had recently learned. The teacher told me that I could use one when I was sick, and it would help me to heal.

The Ascension Attitudes have nothing to do with New Age beliefs, but simply take me beyond the mind, rising beyond thoughts, to change my attitude towards what is happening. In so doing, I could rest in a place of wholeness and peace, and my body would then take the opportunity to heal.

I gave it a go with one attitude that is designed to give thanks in a way that relieves the stress in my body that I was experiencing as flu symptoms.

That led to a surprising revelation.

Whenever I used the Ascension attitude of thanks and rested where it took me, I did not feel the headache and body aches! Relief!

I repeated the attitude silently to myself, deeply resting, then thoughts came and I repeated the attitude again. I noticed that when a thought came up, and I followed it, like worrying about how I could re-arrange this trip and maybe fly instead, but how could I afford it, my body and head aching was back, prominent as ever. However, when I quit that line of thinking by using the Ascension attitude, the head and body ache was gone, as if it was never there.

That gave me incentive, even though my mind was dull, to continue to use the attitude and pay close attention to when thoughts were taking me away from that peaceful place of no pain. I continued doing this, and it was relaxing.

Then I fell asleep.

Restoration of health

It was a few hours later that I woke up.

I surveyed my body.

I was no longer chilled. My body no longer ached. My head was clear!

I had nothing to worry about, no need to re-arrange the trip! I could leave tomorrow as planned!

I marveled at the way that I as a human body-mind can move through something and heal.

With these two brilliant tools to support me – a homeopathic remedy and an Ascension Attitude – my life righted itself in a matter of hours. My plans for a road trip could go on.

It was as if the illness never happened. I appreciate what powerful medicine this is!

I am grateful I have it at my fingertips.

I love this kind of work. I would love to share it with you as well.

You know where to find me.

Look what is possible!



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ