The Meditation that Eradicated Violence

by | Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND, Ishayas' Ascension, Meditation | 0 comments

“My husband is here for a serious offense, he has been aggressive for a couple of years, even when we visited him he became tense, annoyed. Now he is changed, he is another person, very calm, serene, is interested in things. Meditation has served him and although he is locked up we
are happy; he is not angry anymore as he always was”, says Maria, who is surprised by the ‘new personality’ of her inmate husband at the Apodaca Prison.

This was reported in Spanish in the Mexican news La Silla Rota. It continues:

“Thanks to the availability of Ascension I have found something that in 32 years of life I have never experienced”, another inmate thanked Madhavi, the meditation instructor, through a letter written by his own hand.

These are two examples of many others, who have adopted the practice of meditation in this social rehabilitation center north of the metropolitan area of Monterrey, which, in addition, has added managers, administration staff and guards.

“The change has been remarkable. The meditation ends tensions, settles the spirit and brings calm to people, and in a rehabilitation center it is fundamental; we have changed lives”, says Madhavi Ishaya.

The whole article is available here translated into English. In the online version, this video is included in Spanish. Listen to the inmates with subtitles in English.


As one inmate commented about people on the outside: 

If you are physically free, you are not completely, because there are many thoughts that disturb your heart and your mind and through that you feel bad, like stressed, tense, that many times the most minimal of things bother you because you are not prepared in your life. Everything you
feel can lead you to commit the biggest mistake of your life and that is when repentance torments you and marks you for life by asking why you did it, what it was that lead you to do that, and that is when you try to seek help.

This meditation works for people who are not in prison, as well. As the inmate pointed out, you may not be completely free due to the thoughts that disturb your heart and mind. 

To find out more, read the page on Ascension-Meditation. Then contact Dr. Cheryl for help in finding a class.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ