It’s not just for one day on Christmas, we want to pink up this whole month!

What does that mean?

We invite you to share the pink light of love all through December, starting on the first and not ending until the thirty-first. Once you start, you may never want to end sharing love.

No matter what your beliefs and sentiments are, you just may agree that this season is about the rebirth and expansion of love. As the dark hours of the day increase until the 21st, it is our opportunity to embrace darkness and turn inward. By looking within, we have he opportunity to discover love inside. No matter how we experience that love, it begs to be shared.

We can simply share love in the form of pink light . . . 

through the pink light technique. This technique is a simple and powerful way to share love and compassion.

To use the technique, please find instructions below or on this website in many languages. There is even a video explanation below. 

We encourage you to use the technique every day for three to five minutes. It can have a very powerful effect.

Join us in spreading love through pink light every day this month. Imagine what can happen when love expands through the world.

By the way, you don’t need to believe this – just try it.

The Bright Path Ishayas

The Pink Light Technique

This technique has been used for thousands of years to heal relationships. It can be used once a day and should take no more than about five minutes. Use the technique without expectations or judgments. Its effects can be profound.

  1. Close your eyes and get yourself in a loving space.  Remember a time when you felt loved.
  2. In your mind’s eye, picture pink loving light radiating out from your heart and surrounding you.
  3. Now bring to mind a loving image of yourself. Bring that image in front of the pink light bubble surrounding you and picture yourself covering the image with pink light. When the image is covered, let it go.
  4. Next, bring in a loving image of each member of your immediate family – mother, father, siblings, children, etc (even if deceased). Cover each person in a ball of pink light, then let them go and move on to the next person.
  5. Bring in an image of anyone who you have an emotional charge or discomfort with. Cover them with pink loving light and let them go.
  6. Allow anyone else to appear, cover them with the pink loving light and let them go.
  7. Finally, return to the loving image of yourself. Cover that image of yourself in pink light, then let it go and open your eyes.

If you can’t visualize pink loving light don’t worry – just have the intention of doing so.

If you find it hard to conjure a loving image of a person, just picture them in front of you. If you cannot do that, then picture them standing far away from you or facing away from you.

When you’re doing this exercise, cover anyone who appears in pink light – don’t push them away. Once they’re done, assume they’re done for the day and don’t need to be done again.


The Pink Light Technique from on Vimeo.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ