Homeopathic Treatment in 2020

by | Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND, Homeopathy | 0 comments

We are experiencing a disruption of life as we have known it.

This is not new to humanity. Throughout history, infectious diseases have changed how we live.

Every time an epidemic sweeps through civilization, it is different.

Homeopathic treatment is uniquely suited to treat an epidemic no matter if it is a novel virus and the symptoms can be severe. This is because the treatment is individualized to the patient, and works by supporting the natural healing ability of the body. 

“In the current COVID-19 epidemic, homeopaths from around the world will be called upon to treat patients. Homeopathy has a well-established record of dealing with such patients in a very safe, cost-effective and effective way. Even the most severe cases of pneumonia recover quickly and gently under homeopathic treatment.” – André Saine, N.D.

How effective?

Dr. Andre Saine has collected robust evidence clearly establishing cause and effect between homeopathic treatment and the recovery of health and saving of lives in the last 200 years. He shows that the results obtained by homeopathic treatment during epidemics is extremely positive.

Take a look at this synopsis of patients with pneumonia narrowed to one time period in one part of the world. You may appreciate the remarkable magnitude of the treatment effect of homeopathy. It is based on Dr. Saine’s search of the conventional and homeopathic literature.

Treatment  # patients   % survived   % died 
Medicine before antibiotics    148,345 75.7 24.3
Current medicine      33,148 86.3 13.7
Generalized Homeopathy      25,208 96.6 3.4
Individualized homeopathy           960 99.6 0.4


Certainly, current medical treatments do better than medicine before the advent of antibiotics. However, reducing mortality rates with homeopathic treatment to 3.4% or 0.4% makes a difference in the lives of the 10% or more people saved.

A treatment for these times

I am facing the fact that most everyone will come in contact with this virus going around, whether it is the original version of it or a mutated version. Going into isolation delays the exposure, yet coming out of isolation or as weather changes,  waves of illness can pass through a population. I see the end point come only when most people have come in contact with the virus, recover and develop immunity.

On the way to herd immunity, many people will get sick with the virus. What we having been previously doing as well as the choices we make for treatment when we come in contact with the virus makes all the difference. If we have been taking care of ourselves with healthy habits and a bright attitude, then we support our recovery. Beyond that, we can support the immune system with home remedies such as warming socks, optimize a fever when we have it, and staying hydrated but not eating when there is no appetite.

Homeopathic Treatments

Then, there is homeopathic treatment. You can see from the chart above that generalized homeopathic treatment has a remarkable ability to save lives, and individualized homeopathic treatment saves almost everyone.

In addition, Dr. Saine proclaims: “It is known that homeopathy can greatly speed up the recovery time without leaving patients weakened by the treatment.”

The difference is that individualized homeopathic treatment is done by a homeopathic practitioner individualizing remedies that match the patient’s symptoms, and changing them when symptoms change. Homeopathic professionals also know that  in an acute condition, about half of patients will respond to their fundamental remedy, which is known from treating the patient who has previously been treated constitutionally and so knows which remedy is fundamental to that person.

Generalized homeopathic treatment is achieved by finding the homeopathic remedies commonly used in a certain condition, such as this pandemic, then choosing the most appropriate one at the onset of symptoms and changing the remedy if and when the symptom picture changes. This still has a very good record of success and lives saved. 

What has worked – not medical advice

I cannot give medical advice through a blog like this, and I encourage everyone to seek out homeopathic medical care for the best outcome in this pandemic. I am available for homeopathic appointments and am stocked with remedies used to treat common symptoms of patients in this pandemic.

That said, I can share what I have learned has worked from the data collection and experience of Dr. Andre Saine.

As of March 28, 2020, he says:

My experience from reading all the clinical reports I could find from the conventional and homeopathic literature and contacts with colleagues from around the world the different manifestations of COVID-19 are getting clearer all the time.

I have treated close to 30 cases with flu-like illness in different continents in the last 8 weeks, including what looks like COVID-19.

60% of the cases have responded to [the homeopathic remedy] Bryonia.

He offers a case study, complete with medical shorthand and terminology. It demonstrates the recovery time and administration of a homeopathic remedy, again, Bryonia which is abbreviated Bry. at a potency of 200D.

Mild coryza followed by mild sore throat extending to the ears and worse on swallowing on Fri. March 20, followed by unusual feelings in the lungs, SOB on exertion, a general sense of tiredness and weakness and then diffused pain throughout both lungs worse with every breath. Bry. 200D.

Within two hours the lung pain was 60% better and the SOB was not apparent as no exertion had been done.

The remedy was repeated about twice a day and the colleague 98% better within 3 days.

ALso, about the American Institute of Homeopathy Database established March 22, 2020:

When one isolates confirmed and suspected exposure COVID-19 cases, there are 10 cases with a positive result and several where the result is still unknown. I believe all but two are from the U.S. In 50% of those cases, Bryonia was most helpful/curative.

When one looks at all cases (including suspected, confirmed, and possible COVID-19) submitted with a positive result, we now have 29 cases. Bryonia and Arsenicum alb make up ~50% of the successful prescriptions.

How to help your Homeopathic Practitioner

If you wish to be treated homeopathically, it is essential to clearly observe your symptoms and get help as soon as possible. Illness can progress quickly and evidence shows that in most cases there is already lung damage by the time a patient has symptoms.

I recommend gathering all the symptoms from the onset of illness. Observe and record:

  • energy
  • chills
  • temperature
  • sweat
  • pain
  • cough
  • sputum
  • respiration
  • complexion
  • thirst
  • appetite
  • taste
  • smell
  • pulse
  • moods
  • sensitivities
  • tongue
  • sleep
  • headache
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • anything else peculiar and out of the ordinary 


Dr. Saine recommends that follow-up should be done within an hour of the first remedy in the more severe cases and in a few hours in less severe cases, preferably than the next morning, as exacerbation can occur during sleep.

He always makes sure the patient repeats the remedy before sleep. If they get up at night to urinate, they could also repeat the remedy. Further, patients are told if at any time they would see any sign of a relapse to repeat the remedy immediately and to continue it at quick intervals, let’s say every 10, 20 or 30 minutes until they begin feeling much better.

Adjunctive Therapies

Dr. Saine recommends:

Adjunctive natural approaches can also be used in conjunction with genuine homeopathy to speed up the healing process and the full recovery of the patient.

Rest, avoidance of stress, fresh air or avoidance of keeping the patient in a room with staled air, and hydration of the febrile patient are necessary hygienic measures to assure a quick recovery.

When patients experiences pain I recommend that they drink two glasses of water within one hour, and as a rule the pain decrease and patient feels better.

This would include water-only fasting the febrile patient. As a rule, as long as the fever persists recovery will be speeded up if the patient is fasted.

He also recommends warming sock therapy, which is a simple form of hydrotherapy.

Hydrotherapy as adjunct therapy or even stand-alone

Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, points out that hydrotherapy can be useful in the restoration of health in acute and chronic affections, and especially while in the recovery phase.

Dr. Saine explains:

The underlying principle of hydrotherapy is simple: the healing of tissues is directly proportional to the amount of blood flow.

The greater is the blood flow in and out of a diseased organ, the greater the defense, the detoxification, the nourishment and the restoration of this tissue, and therefore the greater is the healing process.

He continues: 

Hahnemann was right.

If we look at statistics on hydrotherapy and pneumonia they are the closest to the ones obtained by genuine Hahnemannian homeopathy.

Treatment  # patients   % survived   % died 
Generalized Homeopathy      25,208 96.6 3.4
Individualized homeopathy           960 99.6 0.4
Hydrotherapy           568 98.4 1.6


An individualized homeopathic treatment plan will optimally include a hydrotherapy recommendation as well.

What will you do?

Whatever you choose to do when you have the first symptoms, whether it is a cold, the flu or COVID-19, you now know of a safe, effective approach.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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