A medical view of our current situation deserves the perspective of what Nature is really doing, is capable of, and  how she protects life in creating diversity.

By listening to Nature through evidence found in published studies put in the perspective of the healing power of Nature, we can learn to go with the Natural process. There is no need to fear Nature, nor demonize Nature or her processes, such as the proliferation of a virus. Nature is not out to get us with a virus, but it will help us to restore balance.

Dr. Zach Bush asserts what virologists know that viruses are not living beings, but instead packages of information secreted by living organisms. Viruses serve as a communication network of genomics – how genes interact with each other and with the environment.

Viruses never have enough information to do anything by themselves in a human being. However, they can participate in pathways in human biology, and they become integrated into us. It is we who decide which viruses reproduce, determining which genes get turned on. We determine if the virus will reproduce and secreted again. It is highly controlled in our body.

To put it in perspective, viruses proliferated before any animal ever breathed. They slowly built the fabric of life, fungi and plants, and the complexity and diversity of genetic code of planet. He states that in mammals, 50% of our genome was built directly by viruses.

When we vilify life, it leads to mistakes in public health, states Dr. Bush. He ways that respiratory droplets are only one mechanism by which viruses spread. Viruses glomp onto dust and carbon pollution. He referenced studies that show that when a virus was discovered in humans, it appeared at the same time on remote areas, such as on ice and in the desert.

Dr. Bush goes on to explain why people got sick more in certain areas, correlating with air pollution and age. With his medical background, he analyzes the illness and relates it to past coronavirus outbreaks such as SARS and MERS. He offers solutions for immediate use as well as further prevention. 

Finally, Dr. Bush believes that the path of least resistance is to restore the relationship of humans and Nature. He states that Nature has a template to our new humanity. It is waiting to emerge from Mother Nature, and key to it is in the soil. He provides hope and concrete solutions in these videos. Without any more delay, watch both.

This second video interview contains many references to what Dr. Bush is asserting.


How does this change your perspective? Do you feel that Mother Nature has your back?

Does it alleviate any fear of viruses or the workings of Nature? 

What opportunities do you see for your own health and that of your community?

Please comment below.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ