Nature’s Wake Up Call

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Health-conscious consumers, perhaps like you, for decades have been carefully shopping to avoid GMO foods and tend to choose organically grown. After all that attention and effort, are you among those people lining up for COVID vaccinations, which are based on genetically modifying our human bodies?

Ask the farmers: GMO crops did no go well for their farms and for the plants. Can we expect it to go well when we genetically modify our bodies? Is it possible to guarantee a positive outcome of human genetic engineering to simply lessen the symptoms if we get sick and right away dismiss anything detrimental that shows up as an unfortunate coincidence?

I find the ultimate arrogance to be that we think we can outwit Mother Nature and gain a benefit in health by bucking Nature’s ways. Viruses are a part of how Nature perpetuates and evolves life. Modern health care science pits them as the enemy which will kill us if we are exposed, that is, unless we are protected by their experimental whiz-bang solution. We will never win in a fight we pick with Nature because she is benevolent and cares for all of Life in the big picture. While she has a special place in her heart for us humans, she will not tolerate the destruction and vilification of the natural world.

As we put ourselves above Nature, we put ourselves outside of Nature. That leaves us disconnected from Nature’s innate healing power within, the perennial capacity to regenerate. As we no longer feel a part of the planet that gives us life, no wonder there is so much fear, anxiety and depression. Human ingenuity only goes so far in this vast natural world that has been maintaining itself for millennia. Nature always wins when she is arrogantly challenged.

If science is the systematic study of the physical and natural world based on observation and experimentation, then science has gone awry when it loses its curious and unbiased perspective of nature. By deciding that we are separate from Nature, no wonder scientists are scrambling to find things that work. The wisdom of Nature is unparalleled and unable to be grasped by only the intellectual mind, so how can scientists possibly outwit Nature?

As there are no mistakes in Nature, where we are at as human beings is no mistake. This is our wake-up call from Mother Nature in a most in-your-face way. When we see how it damages ourselves and the natural world to make Nature and all her creatures – including viruses – the enemy, then we have a chance to change.

This is our opportunity to remember we are an integral part of Nature and begin to make health and environmental decisions that reflect that. When we take this opportunity to honor and begin to understand Nature and her ways, then we can learn to accompany the Healing Power of Nature for our mutual benefit. When we can live in harmony with the natural environment and respond appropriately for our own health, it is possible to have vibrant health.

We are at an uncomfortable place and time. If we would only stop fighting for what we think is going to save us and instead rest in the wonder and wisdom of Nature, then we might gain a different perspective. Truly opening our eyes to how Nature supports us and allowing ourselves to let go and rest in Nature, we just might feel her nurturing us. And we just might see how she has been all along.

You may feel the friction between what is happening in our health care and what you know and feel deep inside. You may just be coming conscious about the dilemma which makes this an uncomfortable time. I am grateful you are seeking answers and not just going along with old paradigms and governmental recommendations. I am grateful you are recognizing your innate power to heal naturally and how that relates to decisions you make for your health.

I see many of you doing the things you have known deep inside were right for you. Keep at it even if it is challenging and pushing your own boundaries because that is how we grow into our potential as human beings.  



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ