Solutions for Our Toxic Food System

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The ultimate political control is around food chain and whether it delivers health or not.” – Dr. Zach Bush

Vicious Cycle

Environmental destruction leads to soil death, needing chemical fertilizer

. . . which results in weak plants which attract pests,

. . . which are treated with chemical drugs

. . . which leads to more environmental destruction.

The Leading Offender

Glyphosate (Roundup) is patented by Monsanto as an antibiotic affecting plants through microbe’s shikimate pathway. They claim there is no harm to humans because that pathway is absent in human physiology.

It finds its way into the soil, the waterways and water tables. Glyphosate is found in 75% of the air and water samples in the southern United States where the Mississippi River has funneled it.

Before you even eat, you are hit with glyphosate as you breathe and bathe. It is locked into our environment, even raining on organic food.

Poisoning Our Bodies

But glyphosate DOES have side effects on many parts of the body.

It directly destroys the protein structure that holds our gut lining together. It also affects in the same way the blood vessel linings, the blood-brain barrier protecting the brain, and kidney tubules.

The result is that every time we eat or breathe, our immune system gets overwhelmed.

Since glyphosate has exponentially been used the statistics for autism, Parkinson’s and dementia have increased exponentially.

Undoing the Destruction

The good news is that identifying the problem can lead us to the solution. There are bacteria and fungi in the soil which can eat glyphosate and digest it. As long as we stop poisoning, the soil can begin to regenerate.

There is a product we can consume both in our digestive system and our nose and sinuses which contain these microbes to help us repair the lining of our gut as well as blood vessel and kidney linings.

It is called ION*, Intelligence of Nature. I stock it in my office. As well, it is available by subscription and you can learn more at the Intelligence of Nature website.


When we realize we and the Earth are all one and we cannot poison the planet and not expect to be poisoned ourselves, we can become more conscious as we change what we eat. There is hope and healing which can ripple out into the world.

We as consumers hold the solution.

It is worth it to watch all 24 minutes of this eye-opening video.

Zach Bush, MD is the founder of Farmers Footprint​, a non-profit coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the deleterious human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and pesticide reliance — while simultaneously offering a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.

Dr. Zach Bush’s work is critical in exposing the truth about our toxic food system and its health impact.

This audio is from the Rich Roll Podcast 352



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ