Scientific Truths?

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What is the scientific truth that has guided our governmental health policies?

Is all the so-called misinformation about public health based on a biased view which is not scientific?

With so much talk about science informing our decisions, let’s look at what “science” really is.

What is science?

The astrophysicist and science educator Neil deGrass Tyson says,

“Science distinguishes itself from all other branches of human pursuit by its power to probe and understand the behavior of nature on a level that allows us to predict with accuracy, if not control, the outcomes of events in the natural world.”

That sounds good. If we want to know the role of viruses in human health and how to predict and perhaps attempt to control the outcome of such a spread, then we should look to science.

“Objective truths exist outside of your perception of reality, such as the value of pi; E = mc²;  . . . These statements can be verified by anybody, at any time, and at any place. And they are true, whether or not you believe in them.”

Great, it would be wonderful to know what is the truth that can be verified by anybody at any time in any place, no matter what you believe. It would be great to be able to distinguish that from a party line promoted for a financial or control agenda, since that could dispel conspiracy theories.

“Meanwhile, personal truths are what you may hold dear, but have no real way of convincing others who disagree, except by heated argument, coercion or by force.”

It seems that there is a vast of polarity of views fueling heated arguments and people who dismiss the other polarity. Therefore, it would be helpful to separate personal views from the objective truths of science. And, this is why:

“If you cherry-pick scientific truths to serve cultural, economic, religious or political objectives, you undermine the foundations of an informed democracy.”

How does Nature behave?

I question how much of what we are hearing is a scientific truth or a convenient spin on truth promoted by fear and coercion.

First, the issue of a pan-demic. It has been a century since we have experienced one in this country. Although we have seen some technological innovations and advancements since then, we still need to base guidelines on human health and behavior.

When people first began getting sick with a “novel” virus, doctors observed closely the progression of symptoms and found which medicines, procedures and treatments already available would help. If the medical system is here to help mitigate the progression of the disease and prevent death when possible, they did find some treatments which worked, such as Vitamin D, anti-virals and anti-inflammatories.

Doctors licensed in Natural healing, on the other hand, have treated such illnesses for centuries if not millennia. Herbs, hydrotherapy, and homeopathic remedies led the way in the last world-wide outbreak, and they are proving to be very effective this time around too.

What is the proof?

In mainstream medicine, America’s Frontline Doctors saw what worked in their practices, and published what they were doing on their website Treatments – America’s Frontline Doctors ( Check it out.

In the meantime, Dr. Peter McCullough, MD testified to the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee that there was a “Near-total block on any information on treatment to patients.”

How can science keep us safe?

The message seemed to be that this is a deadly virus, and we have no treatment.

By the way, could it have anything to do with the fact that a jab would could not be approved for emergency authorization unless there were no known treatments?

So, if the illness from this virus could not be treated, then the only hope for the community would be for “herd immunity” could be created.

But virologists have stated that the natural lifetime of a viral outbreak is two years. The virus sweeping through a population has weakened all those susceptible, and it must mutate to continue to survive. In order to continue to infect people with natural immunity from being exposed and surviving, the virus needs to change so that it is not recognized by the immune system of the large part of the population. Therefore, the initial outbreak wanes as natural herd immunity has developed.

What is herd immunity now?

In the old days, that meant that enough people would get sick and recover so that they had natural immunity. When a certain percentage of the population, or “herd” is naturally immune, then we are protected from further infection though sheer numbers.

For example, according to Peter Doshi, Ph.D., a significant portion of U.S. children are already immune and aren’t at risk of infection to begin with.

Doshi cited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data showing an estimated 23% of children under the age of 4 and 42% of those ages 5 through 17 have already had a SARS-CoV-2 infection and now have robust and long-lasting immunity.

Can we get herd immunity and not get sick?

With the push for vaccination and dropping of mask mandates for the vaccinated, it would seem to the public that getting the jab would protect you from getting sick from this virus. However, the injections were designed, tested and released for emergency use ONLY for reducing the severity of illness and death upon infection, that is all.

Most people produce antibodies to one protein of the virus from the jab, whereas with recovery from infection, two branches of the immune system are activated and are ready to respond to a re-infection.

With the rates of so-called breakthrough infections, it is obvious that the jab does not prevent infection.

How could getting the jab create herd immunity?

On December 30, 2020, the World Health Organization “updated” their definition of herd immunity to the following:

‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. WHO supports achieving ‘herd immunity’ through vaccination, not by allowing a disease to spread through any segment of the population, as this would result in unnecessary cases and deaths.


The WHO states that it does not know what percentage of the population is needed for herd immunity. It cites 95% for measles and 80% for polio.

The unnecessary cases and deaths from a natural spread through the population assumes that there are no treatments that are effective. However, America’s Frontline Doctors and Naturopathic Physicians have been treating people successfully all along. But, let’s say that an injection will also give you immunity.

Safety of jab immunity

Great, if the WHO promotes the jab for herd immunity and the answer to managing the illness from this virus, then there must be no drawbacks.

And, if there are any side effects, they should be widely known so that people participating in the experimental emergency use of the jab would have informed consent.

Voluntary self-reporting to the Voluntary Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows that of 158,300,000 vaccinated of this date, over 500,000 adverse events are reported including over 12,000 deaths. We also know from a study that there are multiple more of these which are not reported.

Does that sound like a fair trade-off for a viral illness which can be treated?

But all the trusted advisors and doctors you are able to hear speak are telling you it is safe and effective. When that is all that you are allowed to see and hear, it is hard to believe that this jab is killing people, causing disabilities and most likely has a long-term damaging effect on  health.

For example, all mRNA used for this purpose are surrounded with a pegolated lipid nanoparticle. The inclusion of graphene oxide is a trade secret, so not listed in the patent, but those in the industry who know where to look have found it out. It is a known toxin.

According to the FDA, their list of “possible adverse event outcomes” include:

  • Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Encephalitis / myelitis / encephalomyelitis / meningoencephalitis / meningitis / encepholapathy
  • Convulsions / seizures
  • Stroke
  • Narcolepsy and cataplexy
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Myocarditis / pericarditis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Deaths
  • Pregnancy and birth outcomes
  • Other acute demyelinating diseases
  • Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • Venous thromboembolism
  • Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
  • Kawasaki disease
  • Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
  • Vaccine enhanced disease

How is science informing this democratic republic?



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ