Wish there was a way to gain some immediate energy and mental clarity without that expensive caffeine and sugar from Starbucks or some vitamin or herbal boost?

And wish that energy boost actually improved your overall health instead of letting you down in a few hours, necessitating more drug-like substances when you crash again?

Nature to the rescue

The wisdom of Nature has provided us with the potential to release energy from inside us!

Yes, we can liberate magic chemicals within us to wake up our blood flow to deliver oxygen and nutrients, resulting in waking us up and keeping us energized unlike an espresso or vitamin shot. Many have also reported better sleep at night.

How has Nature provided this energy?

It is through specific movements which liberate the magic chemical called nitric oxide.

No, it is not laughing gas, that is nitrous oxide! And you are not breathing it, it is working inside you. But you can laugh when your caffeine-stimulated colleagues are crashing and you still have money in your pocket and plenty of self-generated energy.

Can I do these Movements?

The movements are simple, and take less than four minutes to perform. You don’t need special workout clothes or equipment, and you won’t even break a sweat!

These movements can be adapted for just about any level of fitness or if recovering from an injury.

Join the people in corporate settings as well as nursing homes which have benefitted with long-lasting energy from these simple movements.

If you can be outside and put your bare feet on the earth, the better, but wherever you are, just follow along.

The danger is that it seems too simple that you won’t do it. I am challenging you to do it once to feel the effects, and see how invigorated you are!

I have prepared this video for you of these movements as taught by Zach Bush, MD.

In summary:

  • Squat 10x,
  • tin soldier arm swings 10 each arm,
  • snow angel rotations 10x,
  • reach for the sky 10x,
  • repeat the sequence a total of 3 times,
  • then feel the invigoration.
  • Use a comfortable range of motion or adapt for your body.
  • Do quickly 10 reps or until you feel a slight burn.
  • Do it twice more in the day, several hours between.

How do you feel right now, after doing it?

How long does that feeling persist?

When will you repeat this short invigorating exercise?

The next day, or after doing it a while, how is your sleep?



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ