Our lives are busy, busy, busy doing lots of things.

I have always done this . . .
I need to do this . . .
Nobody else will do it and it has to get done . . .

Perhaps we are on automatic pilot.

It’s what the job requires, what I need to get ahead, what my kids need, what my parents need, what I need in order to survive.

More Doing

We then become numb to all the doing . . .
and just keep on keeping on.
And doing some more.
It may escalate to robbing sleep to fit in a bit more doing.

When we have so many things to do, do, do, it can easily become overwhelming.

Until we can’t.

Nevertheless, we do, do, do, until we can’t.

We may be forced to stop by our health, glitches in our relationships, or a circumstance at work or in our lives.

Perhaps that gives us a few moments to re-assess our lives, but most likely we just beat ourselves up for the time spent away from doing, doing, doing.

What are we doing?

How often do we step back and look at our lives?
What ARE we doing?

How often do we look at what is worth our busy time, determining what will fit in our 24-hour day?

How did our daily schedule come about, after all?

By getting a bird’s eye view of our lives and seeing the patterns of how we spend each day, we may get insight to what is important to us.

If how we spend our time is not supporting our highest priorities, then it is time to re-order our priorities. It is time to have a guiding light to how we determine what we do during our 24 hour day.

Choose what we are doing

We can choose everything in our day to support our highest priority once we know what that is.

I find that our highest priority is a synergy of what we are passionate about and what we were given gifts to do in this life.

I have a passion for a larger, integral perspective on everything in life, especially through the lens of consciousness and health. I was given the gift of desiring this as well as having the cognitive capacity to realize this perspective.

I also have been gifted peace in the awareness of what is bigger than myself beyond cognitive understanding.

In order to develop this perspective and awareness, I hope to choose what goes in my 24 hours a day.

When I choose an activity, I endeavor for it to be in line with my highest priority. By making a choice, I automatically am including some things and excluding others.

Stop Doing

Perhaps it is the things that I don’t do, or the things that I stop doing that are most revealing.

I stop giving energy to negative thoughts.
I stop buying and eating processed foods.
I stop giving my attention to diversions from my prime focus.

By knowing my highest priority, it becomes clear what I can no longer do.

Letting Go

As we move through life, what serves us is constantly changing.

Therefore, we need to stop doing some things in order to include some different things in our lives. Those things will become clear when we live our highest desire, our highest priority.

What will you do?

Take a moment now and sit in the awareness of what is your highest desire in life.

With that focus, go ahead and list some of the things that do not support this highest desire.

Write down what would go on your “stop doing” list.

See what room you have in your life when you stop doing these things.

Perhaps it is just a little less overwhelming.

P.S. Find more clarity by reading my book Antidote to Overwhelm.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ