I had a cold.

My nose was dripping, sometimes gushing like a faucet spewing a thin liquid.

It burned the delicate skin under my nostrils as I hastened to wipe it away.

My eyes watered in waves like my nose. I had a slight headache in my forehead.

It tickled in the back of my throat, sometimes feeling constricted, resulting in a hacking cough.

I just had day after day of some heavy yardwork, leaving computer work for later. But now I had to catch up. I felt a little guilty for finishing the outside work first, and some urgency to get back to “real work.”

My body gave me a different scenario.

Don’t think. Rest. The long list of to-do’s can wait.

Notice how my experience was not only on the physical level, but also mental and emotional?

And how what happened was a response to my interaction with my environment, how it had gotten imbalanced?

How can I re-balance?

A wholistic approach to health sees the individual as a microcosm of the macrocosm of a Universe that is alive.

Health is about our relationship to the changing environment and keeping balanced.

What did I do?

The pattern of eye and nasal discharge as well as other symptoms matched the homeopathic remedy “Allium cepa.”  Since this remedy has an energy signature similar to my pattern of imbalance, taking Allium cepa activated my vital force to come back to center in order to balance.

Notice that I did not take something to dry up my nose and stop my cough. Oh, no! That would not have helped activate my vital force to center, which is what I was looking for.

As a result, not only did my physical symptoms resolve, my guilt and urgency to work dissolved, allowing me the rest I needed.

Patterns and their center

A wholistic medical perspective sees patterns that manifests on all levels: physical, vital, emotional, mental, and spiritual. When that pattern is collapsed from the action of a remedy into its Center in healing, all levels can regain balance.

By exploring the power of the Center, powerful healing is possible.

This is way different than suppressing a natural body process or cutting out a malfunctioning organ. From a wholisitic viewpoint, all symptoms on all levels are signs that the person is attempting to rebalance.

Nasal discharge flushes out, cough clears out and fatigue asks for rest so energy is spent on healing. These are all signs that the body has initiated a healing process that includes emotions and thoughts.

These signs are not the illness, but signs that the person is re-balancing.


Often times we think of balance being like a teeter-totter.

When one side has gotten too heavy, you have to either lighten it up or add more weight to the other side (or both.) That is a delicate process to move the exact right amount to balance again.

Then something new happens to set the teeter-totter off-balance again.

A more powerful balancing process is through drawing back into the Center.

Instead of various weights being on each end of the teeter-totter, what if the weights were pushed to the center on the fulcrum point? Wouldn’t it be easy to obtain balance?

We can actually heal by centering instead of trying to equilibrate the ends of the spectrum, the polarities.

As our world is one of day and night, up and down, hot and cold, we are used to working with opposite polarities in everything. We take a certain dosage of a medicine which has been calculated to create an effect, but not overshoot the desired result. But it is precarious.

Balance through Centering

There is a principle so fundamental that we often don’t see it.

All manifest creation comes from a “big bang,” an explosion from a Center. Bursting out come yin and yang of polarity then 10,000 things of Creation.

We can play in that, but it gets complicated to balance by pushing something just enough in the right direction to get an effect, which then changes again.

What if we simply returned to that Center to enjoy its balancing effects?

That may be exactly what happens when you are feeling scattered and emotional, then put your bare feet on the Earth and follow your breath.

By using whatever means to center, whether it is connecting with the Earth’s soothing electrons or narrowing your attention to your breathing process in this moment, you can balance without having to push out thoughts or even replace a negative emotion with a positive one.

Just by drawing your attention to the Center of your Being, with the help of the Earth or your breath, what was bothering you falls away naturally.

The Power of the Center

The Center, the Singularity, Creation’s Center is beyond time and space where everything is present in potential. Our Universe exists within that Singularity, the One. And at the Center is a balancing force that connects all living energy systems, which includes us, to that Center.

What if we used the power of the Center?

It certainly looks easier and more effective than balancing polarities. What would it look like?

Anything that brings us in resonance with that Center has the power to reset us to our archetypal pattern of health and wholeness.

In resonating with the Center, we can remember who we really are. We can get glimpses of wholeness as we are acted upon by the force that sustains the Universe.  Instead of creation and destruction, yin and yang, cancelling themselves out, they revolve around a center.

I see that happening when taking the homeopathic remedy Allium cepa with those particular cold symptoms. The remedy activated healing in the body by drawing the symptoms created when it was trying to regain balance back to the Center.

What if?

What if Healing, becoming more Whole, is truly just about regaining our Center?

How would that change how you see things and what you do?

We will explore this much more in later articles.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ