Appreciating Abundance

by | Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND, Mindset | 0 comments

Does that title rub you the wrong way? Are you feeling pinched, running up against boundaries, health limitations, tight spots in your life?

Feeling that you need to fix or change something in your life before you can experience any ease or abundance?

What is abundance, anyway?

How much is enough?

Deep questions, I know.

The society we live in is based on scarcity. We have to extract from the Earth what we need, and fear that it will be depleted. When I choose relaxation and play, it is at the expense of earning a better living. When I give you attention, I run out of time and energy to give someone else attention. It is a win-lose proposition. Never enough for everybody.


Stop and feel the constriction, the tightness. Feel how you are boxed in, with no choice. Feel how it is a no-win situation.

Feel how scarce love is, how scarce kindness is, how much you lack.

Feel the pain of it all.

Feel into what program you are running.


Is that the Life Game you want to play?

The question becomes: Is anything else possible?

There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.


Let’s suspend judgment for a moment and act as if everything is a miracle.


Let me ask you: in your heart of hearts, if anything were possible, what kind of life would be fun and give you joy?

Yes, you can imagine that. You can imagine being without limits, if you let your mind wander as if you were a child again. Let all the constructs of your life go and become curious like you were when younger. Let yourself have no preconceived notions about what is possible and what is not, and be innocent again.

Give yourself a few moments to really get into imagining this and how it makes you feel.

Yes, that’s it, you are touching limitlessness, being unbounded.


What’s there for you?

What does your body feel like?

Who surrounds you in your life?

How are you acting, how do you behave?

What do you value?

Touching on being unlimited, you may have glimpsed infinity. That is the abundance of what is here for you and who you are.


Inspired by just a glimpse, you can adopt abundance as a set-point.

If there are no limits to what can be in your life, then it may look like a miracle.

Witnessing a miracle engenders appreciation.
Witnessing abundance engenders appreciation.
An overwhelming sense of wonder and awe of how we are supported by Creation and the Creator.


Abundance does not make you have to deserve it: it is simply here for you.

Abundance does not make you have to lose something in order to gain something else.

Abundance means that the Earth is replenished and has even more to give after growing food for you.

Abundance means that when I play, I am even more able to productively work.

Abundance means that when I pay attention to you, my experience expands and I have even more ability to pay attention to others and them to me.

Abundance means that when I gain, you gain as well, as there is always more in limitless abundance.

In Your Life

You may be preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday now. How would an abundant mindset change how you do things?

With abundance, you can have fun with the clerk checking you out in the grocery store instead of being impatient.

With abundance, you delight in paying any and all bills as you appreciate the value of what you are getting.

With abundance, you can take time off to spend it with those you love instead of feeling they are taking away from your time.

With abundance, you do not have to do anything to deserve the appreciation and love of your family and friends.

With abundance, you can appreciate what is happening all around you, because it appears as a miracle.

Start with Appreciation

And appreciation can start the expansion that leads to a feeling of abundance.

With appreciation, what you have becomes enough.

Having enough shows you there is abundance.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ