Surveying the year and how we got where we are, Dr. Zach Bush offers a picture of hope for the current state of destruction of our planet.

Dr. Bush is the co-founder of Farmer’s Footprint, an organization that is meeting the crisis of chemical farming with regenerative methods. His background in cancer research informs this well-illustrated presentation of the depth of the crisis humanity is facing.

Watch beyond the graphs and maps of the exponential rise of cancers and desertification of our planet to hear how we are poised to have the biggest comeback in greening our planet in our planet’s history.

Watch at least 28 minutes from 10:01 to 38:10

He shows how the weed killer glyphosate is driving the cancer epidemic through it being carried to us in water. Clear microscopic pictures show the mechanism of how glyphosate can cause cancer through disrupting the tight junctions between cells.

On a global level, the ocean is threatened and there are dead zones from glyphosate run-off. This is killing fish and other wildlife extending all the way to the Ivory Coast of Africa.

The desertification of the rain forests of Northern Africa, Saudi Arabia and Siberia from the Roman Empire sets the stage for the climate crisis today. It continues with wildfires set by industrial farmers across South America and Central Africa which destroyed huge swaths of native forest and grasslands.

Farmers Footprint is pioneering restorative practices to reforest at the headwaters of important rivers in Africa. They are set to create food forests to create food sovereignty and feed the population.

Dr. Bush maintains that are more resources for creating biodiversity on our planet right now than any time in history. All we have to do is 3 things:

  • Rewild river systems. Returning keystone species as was done in the desert Southwest can re-green in a matter of years. The wildlife itself helps restore the soil to support the water cycle.
  • Regenerative agriculture on the boundaries of the river systems can maximize biodiversity at the soil level in several different ways. Farms’ waste can be returned to the soil through biochar to support the microbes in the soil.
  • Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from chemical companies has created an opportunity to grow a green planet because we have more in the air than ever before in history. Carbon dioxide is plants’ fuel, so imagine the possibilities.

Since we can understand the mechanisms by which we are creating our own extinction, we have the opportunity to be part of the solution. We have been killing the microbial life in our topsoil through modern farming practices. We can bring it back to life with regenerative practices.

Can we imagine the full vitality of our planet? How can we re-invent what we do in accordance with the laws of Nature?

Nature embraces biodiversity, which fosters adaptation of biology for organisms. With more adaptation, we get more biodiversity. This is the cycle of Life according to Nature. It is a bountiful expression of beauty on our planet.

With all our support, Farmers Footprint will expand globally. It successfully has impacted Australia in the last year. Africa is on the forefront now with not only recognizing the rights of humans, but also the rights of Nature for a biological recovery along with social and economic recovery.

Nature provides for us when we accompany her, giving us economic, biological, and social benefits. Nature continually invites us back. We get to be part of the restoration of the planet if we so choose.

Can you feel love for a planet that has imagined us into existence?

How do you support our planet in Nature’s way?



    Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

    703 South Main Street, Suite 8
    Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
    (928) 649-9234


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    Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ