The tradition of early planting of some crops goes way back.

I myself am putting seeds in the earth to start for summer growing. I have planted my zucchini, pumpkins and melon seeds for an early crop.

The Hisatsinom people of this area knew it was time to plant corn when the Sun Watchers saw the shadows highlight certain petroglyphs near Beaver Creek. I took a trip on April 22 to see these petroglyphs, arriving around 1pm, and this is what I found.

Now, in 2023, this is only half of what the ancestors saw because a second stone casting shadows on this wall fell down in 2017. It is against the wishes of the Hopi, the descendants of the Hitsosinom, to replace it.

Yet, there are a lot of important petroglyphs highlighted today. Reference the enlarged detail below to see what I am writing about.

The shadow hits the top stairstep exactly at the end of the second step. In a month, the shadows will line up with the next step, indicating another planting date. When the second stone was in place, another shadow bisected the dot at the beginning of this glyph.

The spiral at the right end of the stairstep is exactly bisected by the shadow from the other side of the rock.

In addition, the leftmost accentuated point of a wavy line further down is also bisected. The spiral right below it is indeed bisected as well.

Finally, that same shadow edge is tangent to what is interpreted as an ear of corn, right below them. The corn petroglyph lies within the shadow.

I found it significant that the shadow encompassed, then pointed to the two glyphs that are interpreted to be for the Water Clan. See the photos below to catch the signature four-legged creatures. These creatures are alternatively called horny toads and frogs.

The Water Clan provided the official sun watchers. We can only speculate why these glyphs are where they are.

This is a sacred site for native peoples and their ancestors. For me, visiting it provides more than a calendar for marking seasons and planting.

As in all sacred sites, I find abundant divine energy embodied and emanating. Naturally, the red in the rock is iron, and it helps create and hold an electromagnetic field. I feel the petroglyphs fine-tune and amplify certain energies here.

In tuning into the energies, I find they have changed compared to previous visits. I feel the overall energy field much wider starting at the very powerful 2023 March equinox.

Today, a particular spot on the side of the calendar wall drew my attention. It is ninety degrees from these shadows, and I feel there is an interaction between the two rock faces that originates within the rock.

This spiral on the left drew my attention as a focus of intensified energy.

In addition, these concentric circles radiating rays drew my attention. This is located about in the center of the whole site, towards the ground.

This collection of petroglyphs contain the calendar of cyclical time. Yet there is more.

I am sure it provided a sacred place for ceremony in ancient times. We have yet to see the implication for our time.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ