Ribbon Cutting 2014
Open House and Ribbon Cutting 2014 We're celebrating the opening of our new offices and thanking you for voting me Best Alternative Health in the Verde Valley for the third year running! The Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce provided...
Why Wallow When You Can Soar?
Why Wallow When You Can Soar? Are you suffering, stuck in a situation or contentious relationship? If it goes around and around in your head, playing out who is right, who is wrong, what they should have done, what you should have said - face it: you are wallowing....
Canyon de Chelley
Canyon de Chelley Full moon . . . sunset on August 9, 2014
La Posada
La Posada . . . the resting place
The Bright Path
Water + Time = Awesome
Come Brave the Cave! Cathedral Caverns in Alabama beckons coolness on a warm summer day. Cheryl and Linda and Tom and Linda pose at the entrance to the cave If you have a sense for adventure and you marvel at natural wonders . . ....
Learning Bowen Bodywork in Alabama
Learning Bowen Bodywork in Alabama I traveled to Jarvis Clinic in Madison in northern Alabama. An eager group of students met me, and we had a very rewarding afternoon. Listen what they had to say: - Good intro session - Appreciate teacher’s patience...
“I Know How You Feel” Do I Really?
"I Know How You Feel" - Do I Really? Wow - I know I have said this in the past and believed that I meant it. Russell Friedman explained to a group of Naturopathic Physicians at a conference on June 7 why we should never say "I know how you feel." The short of it is...
Flagstaff A Prairie Home Companion
Flagstaff Hosts A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor May 31, 2014 . . . and I was there! in the Ponderosa Pines with my friend Brannon under the afternoon sun After the Slide fire the previous week just south of Flagstaff, we were relieved to see...
Where There’s Smoke . . .
Where There's Smoke . . . The Verde Valley, Sedona, and Flagstaff have been inundated with smoke from the Slide Fire that started in Oak Creek Canyon Tuesday afternoon, May 20. It was driven by the wind initially, and it went from burning 450 acres the first day to...