Boundless: A Wayward Entrepreneur's Search for Peace A Long, Strange Trip, but he got to "Here and Now"! Although fast living through high-stakes business deals, travel to exotic places, drugs (prescription and otherwise) and social drinking is not my experience, it...
Trailblazer Award
NAWBO Trailblazer Award NAWBO SVV Honors Outstanding Local Women Business Owners! Friday, May 9, 2014 - 11:30am to 1:30pm Poco Diablo Resort and Conference Center Sedona 1752 S. State Route 179, Sedona AZ 86336 Visionary Award Linda Trubitz...
Biotherapeutic Drainage
Biotherapeutic Drainage What is it? This is the technical term for what I have been doing with a lot of my patients for years. It is the main system of medicine I learned from my homeopathic mentor, Dr. Gerard Gueniot, MD. It is one of the deepest ways to heal - by...
The Desert in Bloom 2014
The Desert in Bloom 2014 Found near Oracle, AZ Beautiful blooms found on the path Nature's effulgence Dancing in the sun Praising with color Providing sustenance for insects Some for only a day All in joyful splendor WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR...
Come On Down
Come On Down - for relaxation and renewal We all did! The sacred moon graced our nights rising full on Monday night. Later that night (Tuesday morning) it was eclipsed. This is my view from a...
Lunar Eclipse Tetrad Begins
Lunar Eclipse Tetrad Begins For those of us in the United States, an extraordinary thing is happening in the nighttime sky. I love to watch the waxing - which means the increasing fullness - of the moon. We are now approaching a full moon. When the full Moon passes...
Speaking Tips
Speaking Tips from Les Taylor, Speaking Pro “No one loves what you do as much as you do. In order to be successful in business, you must identify your market (audience) and learn how to present an attractive offer." Les Taylor was the featured speaker at the National...
Beware Unauthorized Sellers
Beware Unauthorized Internet Supplement Sellers Several companies making supplements sold to health care practitioners have discovered a number of problems with products that are being sold online by unauthorized sellers. Designs for Health is one of these companies....
Cachoo! Allergy time?
Cachoo! Allergy time? Do you have sneezing runny nose itchy eyes? If so, you have lots of company this time of year. It may be due to seasonal allergies, also called hay fever. On the other hand, do you have low energy brain fog headaches joint pain skin problems...
Power vs Force in Detoxification
Power vs Force in Detoxification Something I was taught the first week of Naturopathic Medical school (at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) left an indelible mark on my thinking about healing. Dr. Sensenig quoted Paracelsus in his first lecture: “The...