In the routine of daily life, we often do things by rote, mindlessly. Because of this, we often do not notice what we are doing unless there is a problem. We put the dishes in the dishwasher, we put the clothes in the clothes washer, and we get in the shower to wash...
Antidote to Overwhelm
How easy can it be?
Gophers invaded my yard. I had seen the mounds in the neighbor’s yard behind mine. The gopher mounds appeared day after day. Now they were feasting on the roots of my trumpet vines, trees, and even native poppies and globe mallow. It could have been overwhelming if I...
The “Stop Doing” List
Our lives are busy, busy, busy doing lots of things. I have always done this . . . I need to do this . . . Nobody else will do it and it has to get done . . . Perhaps we are on automatic pilot. It’s what the job requires, what I need to get ahead, what my kids need,...
Beyond Stuff
Our world is constantly clamoring for our attention: texts, phone calls, emails, advertisements; then the kids want something from us too. Not to mention our significant other and family and friends. We can be lost in this morass of stuff, the content of our lives....
The first thing to do if you are overwhelmed
When we are overwhelmed, we let future needs, demands, and challenges fill our minds and we wonder how we can do it all. We are both projecting ahead with worry, and trying to figure out the future, when the future has not happened yet. What an impossible task! No...