It’s October again and the campaigns with the pink ribbons, walks for the cure and being asked for contributions at the grocery store checkout line begins.

Going against the grain of the mainstream, I am going to illuminate your choice: are you focusing on what you want so that can grow?

Are you coming from a place of fear or of love?

Are you numbly following the dictates of society or are you taking the power for your health into your own hands?

You have permission, you know, to decide for yourself. And to educate yourself in the best way you can to make informed decisions.

I choose to focus on Breast Health.

And I will show you how breast self-exam and medical thermal imaging may be your best initial choices for testing for prevention.

Prevention vs Early Detection with Screening

First of all, Breast Cancer screening is in no way, shape, or form Cancer Prevention. When cancer is detected, it is already there!

The purpose of cancer screening is to lower the death rate from that particular cancer in the population. Cancer is actually a group of diseases, of which some grow very slowly or not at all. Cancer screening inevitably leads to harm in the form of overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment. 

Breast Cancer screening mamography has a high incidence of false positives, putting countless women through concern, additional testing, invasive biopsies, and frankly, pain.

OK, so if the screening itself causes harm because something might be detected which would not have been significant in a person’s lifetime, the risk versus benefit question remains. Does the screening reduce the death rate from cancer, and if so, is it large enough to justify the harm from the screening?

An article published in the Lancet on 8 January 2000, a well-respected medical publication, showed with scientific accuracy the results of a large study combining data from studies in Sweden with those in the Cochrane Library. The researchers, headed by Peter C Gotzsche, MD, came to the shocking conclusion that

“Screening for breast cancer with mamography is unjustified.
. . . there is no reliable evidence that screening decreases breast-cancer mortality.”

Continue your education with this simple, scientific, well-referenced 11-page leaflet by downloading it here. It has more details than I want to include here.

Real Prevention

On the other hand, loving your body, and getting to know your breasts and the changes they go through and what that means is key to Breast Health. Try this daily routine for healthy breasts.

In addition, following wisely appropriate lifestyle choices, meaning what you eat, what you wear, what toxins and elecromagnetic fields you avoid, and what medicinal supplements you take and avoid can go a long way towards health and the prevention of disease.

See Jan Janzen’s book Breast Health Exposed! 21 Secrets doctors will never tell you about your breasts.
A preview of topics covered:

  1. Avoid root canals
  2. Wear your bra as little as possible
  3. Get your lymphatic system moving
  4. Sweat it out
  5. Get out in the sunshine
  6. Sleep in the dark
  7. Find ways to deal with stress
  8. Wash all new clothes before you wear them
  9. Take breast health back into your own hands
  10. Get alkaline
  11. Watch what you put on your body
  12. Love your breasts
  13. Mammography can cause cancer
  14. Choose thermography
  15. Check your iodine level
  16. Soy is not good for your breasts
  17. Get rid of the Candida
  18. Men can get breast cancer too!
  19. Your weight is putting your breasts at risk
  20. Antibiotics can lead to cancer
  21. The scoop on poop

Finally, Thermal Imaging can give useful information for disease prevention, qualifying it as a real health screening   which shows conditions which can be reversed with lifestyle and natural means.

Advanced Infrared Mamography

This is a fancy name for a medical thermal imaging procedure which uses your body’s heat signature with

  • no radiation
  • no needles
  • no physical contact (like squeezing, ladies!)

It is a useful test for prevention, because it shows metabolic changes mostly seen as inflammation which leads to disease. And that we can do something about to reverse and thereby prevent its progression into disease. 

Infrared means the part of the spectrum which is detected as heat. So, your body gives off heat in certain normal patterns, and areas that are inflammed give off extra heat. A camera is calibrated to digitally record these infrared heat patterns put off by your body in a computer program. The fascinating part is that the Doctors who read this imaging not only see what is on the surface of the body, but can delve into the patterns inside the body to comment on patterns of the internal organs. They can also see if there is lymphatic congestion in the breast area, as that stagnation can be resolved to prevent progression to disease.

The FDA approved breast thermography as an adjunct to mammography in 1982. You would think that there just might be a reason or two supporting its value that they appreciate but fail to mention. 

What the FDA did not do is approve it in 2004 as a stand alone tool to screen for breast cancer. The vote in the final FDA committee was 5-4 against it. So, the vote was very close , meaning that at least four people on this committee felt breast thermography should be approved as a stand alone screening tool for breast cancer, and five were opposed. 

Locally, I send patients to Carol Conti at Northern Arizona Thermal Imaging. Her camera is state of the art, with much more resolution than most thermal cameras, giving you more precise information.

She is very experienced with medical imaging, compassionate and caring, and a patient advocate for those with breast cancer. See her interview in the local paper below.

Pink and Green Ribbon

So when you see Pink Ribbons this month, say in your mind “Breast Health” and think healthy lifestyle for prevention. 

You might even want to join the movement of Pink and Green Ribbon which emphasizes health.

Pink & Green Campaign Mantra

What if we all started talking more about breast health?

What if healthier breast tissue and less exposure to carcinogens
made our breasts less susceptible to cancerous changes?

What if all the products available to us as consumers were good for
the planet (soil, water and air quality) and for our bodies?

What if girls at puberty were taught simple healthy breast practices?

What if all women understood the anatomy of their breasts?

What if all women had regular breast massages and were taught
to be comfortable massaging their own breast/s?

What if all communities in North America became pesticide-free?

We wonder what would happen to the current statistics for breast cancer
if we took this positive approach.

Lets do more than wonder!

Join us in making these possibilities a reality and let us watch the statistics for the number of women having Healthy Breasts for Their Lifetime Soar!


And, if you need help getting rid of your toxin accumulations, ask me about my homeopathic programs for getting clear down to the cellular level! One medicine line I use are the Unda Numbers.

Find out about a medical consult or call me at 928-649-9234.

Carol Conti’s Interview



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ