I had a chat with friend and colleague Loto Vazquez.

Show highlights

0:28 I feel like my role is to support conscious leaders in being healthy in their body so that they can do what they were born to do and so in a way I’m leading by showing leaders how to be how to engage nature to support their health.

1:35 Our ancestors were connected to nature and they were healthy because of that. We have gotten away from nature and as a society and in order for us to lead or anybody to lead that connection with nature is crucial because it not only has the blueprint for your own health it’s got the blueprint for where humanity is going and realizing our full potential. So that’s why leaders can when they reconnect with nature be even a better leader.

2:46 An experience maybe of what working with you can look like: i remember once i have had the worst headache in my life i normally don’t have but that headache had lasted for a few days already and maybe especially because i wasn’t used to it was really annoying and affecting my productivity and my enjoyment and i remember i had i think it was a 30 minute or less conversation with you you were thousands of kilometers away i was in Tarragona Spain and you were where you are in Cottonwood Arizona and in my headache was gone in less than 30 minutes just because you asked me a couple of questions that help me release that so i love that

3:32because it’s connected to nature but i guess more in the sense of consciousness or presence and another human being able to be that plug into nature but also because it’s connected to online and how and how you are both bringing nature closer even through online technology

4:08 this brings up a really good point about nature you know sometimes we think about oh nature’s walking on the beach or being in the forest but there is a dynamic alive quality to nature which is also in us and to discover and live from our true nature is really what healing is all about.

4:55 That part of nature is our own essence. The ancient Greeks called it ether it was the vital essence of the gods it was almost like what the gods breathed. This divine essence humans, mortals, have too because we are part of nature and nature is alive and dynamic.

5:42 First of all I think our society has negated or forgotten or simply just overridden what natural processes are because one natural process is balance and harmony and so when we center ourselves we’re able to get balanced in our life.

6:13 So many people now are imbalanced because there’s so many things they’re trying to juggle. You know: family, job, finances, relationships, all the little details of life they’re trying to balance they’re trying to juggle it. By going to the center that’s where we can harmonize things and see their proper priority.

6:52it’s it’s so important to first of all understand how nature works because that’s how we work and then once we can understand it when something is happening we can accompany that process in order to allow the wisdom of that process to complete so that we are healed.

7:24 So my definition of healing is becoming whole or becoming more of who we are it you know it’s the restoration of health through owning things that we have disowned. Also when we’re being challenged to be more, to step up to that challenge.

7:57 So many times we think that anything we’re experiencing on the physical level has to have a physical cause. There was a one time in my life many, many years ago when I was having excruciating sciatic pain. This kind of pain where it starts in your butt and it’s really burning and then it shoots down the leg. I had this week after week. There was no position where i could be comfortable because it would burn when i was sitting it would burn when i was standing. It’s one of those things you want to just go and you know just punch it out or something to get rid of it.

8:38 I was seeing even a naturopathic doctor at that time and we did all these modalities: acupuncture, ultrasound, manipulation, all different things to relieve the sciatic pain. Nothing was relieving it. However at the same time this same Naturopathic doctor had challenged me to apply and attend naturopathic medical school.

9:09 I was thinking about it i was weighing the pros and cons because before that i had never had a debt and i could be taking on a student debt. It was it was four years of my life and all these big things. i wasn’t even sure that i could go back and learn all this technical stuff because i had been out of school like you know 20 years or something.

9:35 so i was going back and forth about: should i totally change my life and go to naturopathic school or just stay comfortable as i am? It turns out that that was the crucial thing that led to my healing because when i decided to make the choice to go to Naturopathic school, within three days, no other intervention that sciatic pain was gone! Absolutely gone! There was no other intervention.

10:10 It was simply me making that decision. I was thinking that this sciatic pain which was terrible, it was excruciating, had a physical cause that we’re trying to figure out. You know: what was the physical cause? But it was really this mental- emotional- spiritual dilemma where i was trying to go forward maybe, but maybe i should be comfortable and hold back. So there was this tension in the other realms that was manifesting in my body and that was where the healing came about by going with what the universe, you know, Nature was asking me to do.

10:53 Which was to accept the challenge to go ahead in my life to be more, to go to naturopathic school so i could become a naturopathic doctor. By accepting that, that’s where the healing came. We don’t always look at things that way. Not everything’s like that, but usually all aspects of our being are affected in any ailment that we have. It can be on the physical but it could be emotional mental spiritual as well and it’s as a whole.

11:28that’s amazing. That’s bringing up uh a new story of mine about a time when this bladder used issue that i that i do have still but it was really really bad at some point like really uncomfortable and yeah more strong symptoms and and i went into a process of understanding it more and at the end summarizing a lot that i discover. Since then it’s been a blessing that it’s when i take it as a reminder to come back to my center to be aligned instead of reactive or anxious or believing subtly that something that is not here right now is gonna bring me fulfillment or achievement to come back to my center and then that tension is massively gone sometimes i still i need to go to the toilet but the problem is gone uh to a massive degree so isn’t that such a gift that we get these signals from our body or you know from different things in our life of just the signals are reminders to let go to go with the process and then we become more of who we really are.

13:30from what you said is that at the end health is only possible when we take full responsibility or i will say leadership on that arena of our life. Yes, we can rely on the support of a doctor uh but at the end it’s only support it’s our own responsibility. Maybe not all of us need to like you feel so called to become a natural doctor but we definitely need to be masterful enough in listening to our symptoms and and turning that into wisdom and into more alignment. So that’s the link that i’m seeing based on what i hear from you on leadership and health. and i’m in that process and i love the sense of freedom that there is when i’m not okay it’s not anymore about finding the perfect person.

14:31The perfect person is only going to help me find the right attitude in myself around my health and my fitness and my nutrition you see so i love that link .

15:23 this is one other place where we can rise to be leaders as far as our health can be showing us some place where we’re being challenged in life and so by accepting the bigger challenge in life, health improves. It may take some physical support too.

15:50 i love that yeah this may be one area in a leader’s life that they’re not stepping up with their leadership and so by being aware of health as also another area to take responsibility and lead in wow that makes things more complete and you know i’m all for that more wholeness. There’s a there’s always more.

16:19i will say even one more thing about the body is that it’s such a leverage because it is obviously the connection between the inner world and the outer world like without this body we cannot really totally affect this outer world. so in this community we are here to gain more inner and outer success and to support each other to do that we need to it’s imperative to listen to the body and to learn to have a relationship with our body that leads us to more power inside and outside.

16:53 The body is like a super trampoline to fully live in this world and have the impact that we came here to have yeah it’s such a gift and when we honor it we can honor it by understanding how we work and going with it. I talk about accompanying the healing power of nature that if you get a scratch you don’t have to consciously put energy into okay you got to heal now and you got to do this and you got to bring white blood cells there.

17:27 there’s wisdom in our body that knows how to heal and when it it’s not happening it’s because there are obstacles that were we’re preventing or else we’re doing something in our life which is um going against that natural process.

17:47 one of my big soap boxes is about fever. fever is a natural process where the immune system is amped up and it does its job and so we need to support fever in terms of what it’s doing for infection or inflammation. And not allow it to be a low-grade chronic inflammation. That’s one of my soap boxes and i’m sure i’ll have a book or something about that

18:15what you said about the obstacles that it heals itself so when it’s not happening is that there is it correct to say like a mental or a spiritual obstacle that there is where we need to increase our awareness or consciousness so that the obstacle can be removed and the healing process can speed up

18:42 you can see it on the mental spiritual level, but it also could be evident in your lifestyle. so maybe if you’re eating poorly. your body’s not getting enough of the nutrients in order to complete healing. So it can be in our lifestyle or if we’re not active enough. A lot of people just want to bring it down to you know diet and exercise but it’s so much more than that as far as what we can do in our lifestyle and that’s a whole other ball of wax about reconnecting to nature.

19:13 Those are elements that we can bring back into our lifestyle that have been lost and will exponentially increase our health

19:26so will it be correct to say that if our lifestyle is not supporting our health is really that we are not truly listening to our alignment or to live our life as purposefully or as responsibly as we could?

19:47Well, we’re either not listening or we’re not aware of what our lifestyle habits are doing to us because our modern society is not necessarily supportive in what it’s telling us to do in our lifestyle. it’s like okay do more, earn more, consume more, party more. society is telling us certain things which go contrary to what the healing power of nature is telling us.

20:20 this can be really deep because i find these tendencies in myself too even though i’ve been steeped in the ideas of natural medicine for a long time. So by being aware of it is the first thing. One of my big passions is education because unless you’re aware of it first and understand how it works how can you choose for it.

20:51 How we’re living our life has a big impact on our health and what’s cool is that it’s dynamic it always changes. There’s different times of year so there’s different environmental conditions as we get older we’re in different stages of life and so we have different needs and different desires.

21:15health is something that’s always changing and it’s a fun challenge to ride the waves and see what’s next and be curious about what it is that supports our health.

21:34 what is the most exciting part of your work what is some of the results that you see in your clients or the effect that you see with them has that is the most inspiring to you?

21:49 what’s the most inspiring is when somebody gets their energy back or gets clarity of mind or is not held back by pain so they can do what they really want to do in their day and in their life. All of us have a purpose whether we’re really dialed into it or not. i think conscious leaders are really dialed in to their purpose and sometimes there’s just something in our emotions or in our physical that is keeping us from fully playing and fully fulfilling that purpose.

22:30 it’s so gratifying for me to see somebody out of pain or having more energy and then they can do what they really want to do. That’s that what’s what really lights me up is because i know i’m supporting their purpose by helping them to feel good in their body. that is so gratifying because i feel like i have a leveraged impact on the world by when they’re fulfilling their purpose then they go out and impact that many more people. so it’s it’s the ripple effect.

23:11i know what you’re saying because first if we are more comfortable or healthier, vital everything else goes better. like it’s like when there is a little stone in your shoe and and it’s it’s affecting everything: the mood, the productivity, the focus and when finally you realize oh my god it’s only a stone and you take it out and it’s like ah and now the it’s like the world is aglow.

23:41it’s glowing and everything it’s easier and smoother and there is more enthusiasm and more eagerness and more creativity. everything flows better. it’s so important. i want to mention this because if i think especially for people like me who’ve been lucky enough to not have many health issues – i have had some but not many, it’s not like a big part of that it’s in my mind – i know for people who are actually ill is more obvious. i need to do something about it but it’s not only for people who are heavily ill.

24:14 it’s for anyone who knows they could do better right so it’s about more responsibility and more leadership and more in this this area where you can really be in your optimal state so everything else in your life can be positively as you said a leverage affecting everything else.

24:38 because then we can be proper vessel for spirit, we can allow the energy the inspiration to come through clearly.

24:52 related to another one of the main tasks of this community being not only conscious leaders not in health as well as much as we feel is our responsibility also it’s the side of investing which of course normally we relate it more to invest in assets that are going to bring passive income to us.

25:15 but this is our super asset so if we invest in being as healthy as possible by bringing the best, the healthiest version of us. time is the original non-renewable resource.

26:13where we put our attention and choose to spend our time is the thing that we have control over. but so often we give over that control by demands on the outside.

26:27so investing in yourself by taking the time to whatever it takes to eat well, to exercise, to meditate, to connect with nature. integrating this in our lifestyle: that’s the biggest investment that i think is is important how you spend your time and it’s also how we reward ourselves.

26:54it’s like how are you going to spend your time you know you want to have that recreation that that pleasure time. By being conscious of how you invest your time in yourself as well as in what’s important to you that’s going to have a big payoff in your quality of life and enjoyment in life. it all comes down to where you put your attention and what you choose.

27:24 so the i think you know the definition of a conscious leader is the consciousness so being aware and making the choices. yeah maybe i didn’t take it the way you wanted it but you know time is the thing that we run out of at the end of our lives.

27:55it’s the thing that everybody has the same amount of. there’s not time rich in time poor people we’re all equal in the amount of time we have. so the quality of our life is how we invest that time, how we choose to spend it. investing it in ourselves, in things that support our health, that support our purpose, like i said has a big payoff.

28:21it may seem kind of obvious that health and relationships and finances and there are a few topics that are like the main ones to invest because they affect everything else. Even if that’s obvious i love how even right now i’m giving more attention investing more attention in my health and seeing how it’s an endless opportunity to gain more power in the most positive way and to gain more resources or activate more resources

28:58in order to have better quality and more gains in everything that it’s important to me because everything that happens to us is a gift. i really believe that and that’s my experience. so everything that’s going on in our health, whether it’s a bruise or a cold or a more serious illness, it’s a gift to be more aware.

29:28 how wonderful we can spend the time to actually open that gift be present to it and meet the challenge .

29:42 What is that gift that you told me you had for us?

29:47i’ve got um this little booklet called beyond prescriptions: how and why you really heal. Update:


31:14 In this little booklet is the story that i told you initially, its in there but there’s so many other eye-opening stories about how we really heal. it’s not how we expect most of the time. there’s a there’s a lot of questions to self-reflect about where in your life can you heal more or can you be open to what life is asking for you.

41:05when you go to that link and get my book beyond prescriptions, do take to heart the invitation in the beginning of the book to download my app. it’s a free app. it’s both on android and apple. on the app i have so many more resources about total health and how you can rise to the challenges in your life by supporting your health.

43:00 it’s too many but a few of the main modalities that you use and in a highlight of one of those that can be eye opening for us?

43:19 i do a couple hands-on modalities which can also be distance: Bowen body work, medical biomagnetic pairs, but the really shining modality is homeopathy. i learned a form of homeopathy that’s been practiced in europe.

43:39 the striking thing is that using homeopathic remedies in a certain way we’re actually able to clear out our cells so that we can get a more optimal function of our cells. that restores function of any organs or tissues or any illness. so homeopathy is a way of clearing the body to gain more function.

44:24 before you go: what if you had to leave us with just one main idea that condenses what you have to say, that main idea that you want us to stay with.

44:39 the universe is benevolent. you can experience that benevolence by taking anything that you’re feeling, whether it’s a scratch, a bruise, a cold, anything that you’re encountering with your health, and asking: what is the gift here? what is here for me? what’s the gift? that is the first step towards healing.

45:08 wow i love that! i’ll apply it for sure.

45:17thank you very very much for being with us for giving us so much

it’s been my pleasure.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ