Fasting for Energy & Clarity

by | Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf ND, Fasting | 0 comments

Experience Your Individualized Fasting Lifestyle

This class is designed to help you experience the benefits of fasting then strategize how to continue on a fasting lifestyle for your increased health.  

A question more important than what to eat turns out to be when to eat. And the answer is not all the time.

Fasting is hard-wired in our physiology because it enabled our ancestors to survive so that we can be here today. If it doesn’t seem natural, it is because we are surrounded 24/7 by addictive food-like products supported by media that tells us we deserve a break today.

Beyond the limiting idea of restriction, fasting is actually strategically deciding when to eat and when not to

Do you struggle with

  • Extending the amount of time you don’t eat from overnight through the day?
  • Knowing when to abstain from eating and when not to?
  • Thinking fasting is not working because you have plateaued? 

If so, this class can help you to

  • Strategize your fasting to achieve your health goals.
  • Avoid the common fasting mistakes and make it over the hurdles.
  • Get support to experience a longer fast than you have done before.


  • One initial 1-on-1 session to individualize how long to fast with support during this class and design your next steps for your appropriate fasting lifestyle.
  • Immediate access to my online concise course information, procedures, and where to order supplies.
  • 4 live group coaching calls on Zoom to answer questions and help you be accountable. 2 are during the initial week, and the following are a week apart.
  • Recordings of coaching calls.
  • Bonus: discount when ordering through me on Fullscript or from my office


  • Private session: by appointment, allow 45 minutes.
  • Group live zoom calls: Monday & Wednesday June 19 & 21 at 4pm AZ time (PDT).
    Then the following Mondays June 26, July 3 & July 10 at 4pm AZ time (PDT).
  • Other support if you have questions and can’t make it to the zoom meetings.


  • Your investment to participate in this class is $495.
  • Your investment for additional individual private support with this class is $899.

Questions? Want to enroll?



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ