I am often asked if something or other is “good for me.”

Since the cornerstone of engaging the Healing Power of Nature for health is a personalized response, I cannot answer only from my Naturopathic medical education or even my experience with other people, although that gives me a background.

What do you mean by “good”?

What does it mean to be “good for me?”

I think what we choose as “good” in this moment is something that increases our life force energy right now.

I can ask your body, as it encapsulates your whole energy system, because your body knows on that deep energetic level. We want to know if the item under consideration increases or diminishes your life force.

Your body can tell us from a place beyond space and time.


How can we communicate on this level?

First, let’s establish the Paradigm we are working within.

If this doesn’t make sense, skip to the instructions at “Let’s Start” and simply play with what happens. You don’t have to get this in order to communicate with your body to find out what is “good for me.” Sometimes complete innocence is an even better approach.

Here it goes with the Paradigm.

Humans are multidimensional beings living in a multidimensional Universe. As such, we are equipped to interact with all those dimensions and in so doing, we exchange information.

Our senses give us information about 2% of all the multi dimensions. In the remaining 98% is the life force which runs our bodies. If we want to get information about our life force, we need to go beyond the senses and interact with that unseen 98%.

My mode of communication beyond the senses is resonance.

Nested Dolls Analogy

Think of it like nested Russian dolls. The dolls look the same in shape and character, but their sizes are different.

We can know what the largest doll looks like by looking at the smallest doll because of resonance of shape. The smallest doll represents being in our 2% electromagnetic universe that our senses perceive and the largest doll is in the 98% beyond the senses.

Since the life force that runs us can be found in that larger dimension, we can utilize the resonance of shape and find out what is the effect on the smallest doll because she is what is in our 2% sensory dimension. We can devise a testing method to see if what we are investigating increases our life force in the 2% as seen in the smallest doll because it increases life force in the 98%.

This is accurate communication because of the principle of resonance.

We can use this paradigm to determine whether anything will increase our personal life force, and in common terms, whether that thing is “good for me.”

Let’s Start

We can get a baseline for our body like our smallest Russian doll through finding our personal resonance on a pendulum.

A neutral pendulum works well for this.

It is best to start with a simple plumb bob so that we do not put unintended qualities in our testing and complicate the read-out. If your pendulum has crystals or stones in various shapes, or combinations of metals, those will influence the resonance somewhat, so it is best to start simple.

When you have the hang of it, you can use shape intentionally to fine-tune the information you are getting. I will let you in on that information later. For now, a simple pendulum, or even a hardware store washer tied to a string will work.

The first thing we do is establish your personal essence as represented by the pendulum. We do this by calibrating the string length of where you hold the pendulum string as it swings.

To begin this test,

  • gather up the whole string in the palm of your dominant hand and don’t let a tail hang out because it will be an additional antenna you don’t want.
  • Now, use your thumb and first one or two fingers to gently hold around the string of the pendulum near where it is attached. Your fingers are pointing downwards like the beak of a bird. It is like you are choking up on a baseball bat without tension, but you will not stay there on the string.
  • You can use your other hand (or anywhere on your body) to be the focus of your testing since we are finding the essence of YOU.
  • Holding the pendulum choked up on the string with your dominant hand as it is above your other hand, give the pendulum a slight bit of kinetic energy by initiating a gentle back and forth swing.
  • While the pendulum is swinging, let the string out bit by bit and be open, innocent and curious watching what is happening.
  • At some point when you have let the string out enough, you will feel a pull on the pendulum and it will start swinging in a clockwise circle.
  • Stop letting the string out at this point because you have found your personal resonant place on this pendulum string.
  • Keep your fingers there as you are about to test your item under investigation to see if it is “good for me.”

For a check to make sure you have tuned into your personal length and not polarity, flip your hand over to see if you get the same clockwise spin readout from the other side of your hand. Or change sides of your body for testing to make sure you are not getting a readout of polarity. If your pendulum rotates counterclockwise, you may have tuned into polarity, as your personal length for your essence should rotate clockwise. See the note at the end if you need to sort this out.

Sidebar note: do not put a knot or somehow mark the string length for your personal length, because you want to test new each time as you tune into yourself.

You want to go slowly when you are letting out the string to catch the first moment you feel the pull for the pendulum to change to rotation after the back-and-forth swing.

Be sure to always give the pendulum some kinetic energy to begin as you cannot expect it to start rotating on its own.

If you go past your personal length, you may find a place further along the string where it starts rotating which is an octave above your personal length.

Yes, you have found it, yet it is better to go back to the octave below so that the string is shorter to be able to see the variety of responses better.

Side note:
In this picture, I am using a neutral pendulum, a sphere shape.

In the previous photograph, I am using a specialized pendulum that has all planes of Nature on it.
See below for that fine-tune.

See the point of clarity at the end as to why I am testing a battery.

What’s Next?

Now it is time to find out if the item in question increases your life force energy.

Your pendulum will be rotating by itself with all you giving it is a slight nudge of energy.

See how wide and vigorous the swing is, because now you are establishing a baseline of your life energy at this moment.

The variety of response from testing will be evident in this swing. You are not getting a yes or no answer, instead you will be getting a readout of the effect of the item on your life force, and that can be greater or lesser.

An easy way to do this is to put the hand without the pendulum over the item in question and your hand with the pendulum swinging at your personal length over it.

Note with innocent curiosity whether the rotation increases or decreases, or even reverses to counterclockwise. This is your answer.

  • If the rotation does not change, then the item has a neutral effect.
  • If the rotation increases, it is beneficial, yet you can decide how much of an increase in your life force is worth it to use the item.
  • I have a place on my scale which I call “yea, verily,” which is a very emphatic increase in life force. For me, it is unmistakable to the extent that you cannot not do it or use it.
  • If the rotation diminishes or goes counterclockwise, it is not worth it to use that item as it is. It is bringing down your life force energy.

Tips on Testing

You can get nuanced with testing and test items individually, then test them together to see if they have the same beneficial effect of increasing your life force.

Sometimes there is more than one thing that increases your life force, but you do not need all of them. In that case you can see which increases the life force the most by seeing how vigorous and wide the swing of the pendulum is.

You can go beyond testing items and test for all sorts of things! Let your imagination go wild!

You can test for places in your home or environment that increase your life force or diminish it. You can find your personal “power spot” or places where you may want to do something to bring up the life force energy.

This personal testing opens a whole world beyond the senses that you can play with, and in interacting you can discover many things which may be eye-opening. You can test if what the salesperson says is true for you. You may find for you the answer is not according to so-called common sense or norms of our modern society. That’s okay.

Now you know what happens to your own life force energy, because that is a real determinant of your health.

What are you finding?

Note that the testing result is in this moment only.  

The result can change over time, so it can be important to re-check and test again. Note that polarities switch from day to night and back again to day, like a reset, so you can check again the next day. In addition, testing done at night may have different results than testing during the day.

There are many, many variables and one is when you have a positive increase in life force then later not so much. One scenario is that the item has had its effect and you don’t need it anymore. Another is that conditions have changed and it is no longer appropriate.

Very Important

It is important to notice where your attention is when you are testing.

It is essential for clear results to come from a perspective of curiosity with no expectations and no thoughts about what will happen. No overpowering emotions.

If you meditate, you will recognize this state as the space between or beyond thoughts or beginner mind. Not that you can’t test if you are having thoughts, but your focus is on seeing what will unfold with the testing. With that curious focus, thoughts tend to settle down and your attention won’t be pulled away to them.

It can help to focus by letting your eyes go soft as you look at the pendulum with your personal essence readout swing and the item being tested.

Another tip is to relax your tongue in your mouth. When your tongue is relaxed, you can’t talk to yourself using thoughts.

As you practice this, you will be able to get into this state easier and quicker for clear results.

Fine-tuning with resonance of shape

Since we established that we are multi-dimensional beings, wouldn’t it be great to have a pendulum that is shaped to tune into all those dimensions? That way we could be sure we are not just testing the physical level and are including the other dimensions that are impacting us.

Dr. Ibrahim Karim, founder of Biogeometry, did just that. He developed a pendulum shape that tunes into the eight planes of Nature. It is the pendulum in the first picture.

You can purchase a personal pendulum like that for yourself. It is sold by the Biogeometry organization which can be found at Vesica.org in the United States or Biogeometry.com or their worldwide referral outlets listed on the website.

What are you finding with personal resonance testing?

It’s a whole expanded, inclusive world with answers.

One more clarity point . . .

If you got confusing results such as a counterclockwise spin when you were testing your personal length, we need to rule out if you were tuning into polarity instead of your personal length.

You can tune into polarity by testing each end of a small battery. The positive pole will rotate clockwise and the negative pole with rotate counterclockwise.

You can try this if you are training yourself to detect energies, but don’t confuse yourself for this exercise.

This is not what we are looking for in your personal length. I bring it up here because it is useful to distinguish where your attention is.

For this testing, you want to put your attention on yourself as an essence and allow your testing to reflect that.

Just keep testing from the perspective of curiosity and seeing what happens. Life shows us.



Cheryl Kasdorf, ND, LLC

703 South Main Street, Suite 8
Cottonwood, Arizona 86326
(928) 649-9234


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Dr. Cheryl Kasdorf - Naturopathic Physician - Cottonwood, AZ